Master And Disciple Pair

As Ah Chun neared the old man he waved his hand once again sending out another blade of wind. It hit Ah Chun, head on sending her flying back once again as another pit formed from her hitting the ground. She coughed up a few more mouthfuls of blood as she struggled to get up. The old man snorted once again as he coldly said: "I told you to leave it but now, that you have forced my hand this day will be the day you die!" after saying his words he sent out three more blades of wind!

Ah Chun could hardly move, she knew she had overdone it but the excitement of the battle took control! If she did not somehow dodge this attack she would be done for! Before she knew it everything grew dark as she found herself in a warm embrace. A calm melodic voice entered her ears: "Chun'er if you are going to die at least take me with you."