Deity Of Slaughter's Palace Part One

Ah Chun who still had blood dripping off her body walked over to Ning Shen with a frown on her face. She felt sticky all over from all the blood on her body. She really wished she could take a bath at this time. Seeing the frown made Ning Shen chuckle. "Chun'er you never change. You hate being covered in blood yet during battle you bathe in it. You are more than capable of not getting even the slightest bit of dirt on you while fighting but you intentionally get soaked in blood." 

Ah Chun snorted: "It's my damn bloodline! For some unknown reason, I unconsciously move  so that the blood will all spatter all over me!" She really did not know why this always happened. She hated the sticky feeling she got when she was all done fighting. The only thing she wanted after a battle was a bath!

Ning Shen smiled and took out a basin of water and a screen. "I figured something like this would happen so I stored a bath just for you."