Escaping The Mystic Realm Part Three

Ah Chun and Ning Shen were able to make it to the mountain range. It was not easy though. Like Ning Shen had said, the group of cultivators who were chasing them did indeed need to split up. Luckily the ones that Ah Chun and Ning Shen did run into were all initial stage Immortals. So Ah Chun was able to dispose of them quickly. 

"Shen, I see a small ravine up ahead we should use that as our ambush point." Ah Chun said in voice transmission to Ning Shen as she pointed a crack between the mountains. 

In no time they arrived at the ravine. "How do you want to do it? Want me to lure them in?" Ning Shen asked. The two of them had been through many battles together. They had used the lure a lamb into a tiger's den strategy many times.