Killing Heavenly Realmed Experts

Ah Chun and Ning Shen held each other's hand as the took one more look at each other before stepping through the exit of the mystic realm. The world around them changed and they were back in the rocky wastelands of the western side of the Heavenly Realm. Ah Chun gripped her sword in her hand as she looked around the area. There were many Heavenly realm cultivators standing in the area. All of which were leaders within their own clans. But Ah Chun felt something was off. 'Why are these clan leaders not making a move against them?'

"Shen, something seems off." Ah Chun whispered to Ning Shen.

"Un… Right now we should be getting yelled at by the old guys before being chopped in half." Ning Shen said as he nodded.

"But they are just staring at us with a bitter looks on their faces? Do you think they are all perverts and fell for my childish charm?" These words floated over to the Heavenly realmed old men.