Was It All A Dream?

Ah Chun closed the menu and pressed the button at the side like she was told. She had decided to order something called a cheeseburger and french fries.  These were strange words she had never read or heard before but did seem to be a kind of food. While she was waiting for the woman in black clothes to return, Ah Chun heard a disturbance coming from the main dining room.

"Everyone down on the ground! Otherwise, I will blow all of you up along with me!" A man yelled.

Ah Chun frowned. What was going on? She opened the door of her private room to see a man waving an object around in his hand and some weird contraption strapped to his chest. She walked out of the room and towards the man, no fear was seen in her eyes. The man saw the little girl walking up to him and his eyes turned cold. "Stay the fuck back or I will blow you up along with me!"