Will You Play With Me Too?

Space pouch? Ah Chun never heard of such a thing. "Xiao Feng, what's a space pouch?" 

"A space pouch is a place to store things. Anything nonliving can be stored in them. This one is, in particular, the lowest grade you can get. You can store your sword and pills in her at least. Along with some other things." Xiao Feng said. 

Ah Chun nodded her head. "So it's like an interspatial ring."

"Yes but not quite the same. Interspatial rings would need you to kill the person in order to take the things within or remove their spirit mark. While a space pouch can be opened and used by anyone." Xiao Feng explained.

"Well, in any case, it will make carrying my things easier. For now, I will put my pills inside. I will carry my sword on me. I will also take whatever toiletries that are here. Using leaves is a little rough..." Ah Chun frowned. She hated using leaves after going to powder her nose!