I Want Those Two!

Ah Chun, Li Chen Bao, and Yi Chen who had been talking this entire time finally reached the front of the line. "Next!"

A middle aged looking man with a scruffy looking face yelled out. "Yi Chen it's your turn." Ah Chun said as she interrupted Yi Chen's conversation with Li Chen Bao. Although Li Chen Bao did not say more than two words in response Yi Chen still happily carried on with his conversation. Li Chen Bao had never talked to a man her age before except for her brother so she was very nervous and embarrassed at the same time while talking to him.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry!" Yi Chen bowed to the middle aged looking man. 

The middle aged looking man nodded and said: "Place your hand on the orb." 

Yi Chen did as he was told. After a few seconds, the orb started to shine a bright red. The middle aged looking man nodded and said: "Not bad rank six talent. Stand over to the side with the others that passed."