Only Need Two Years To Kill You

Elder Dan motioned for the sword Ah Chun and Li Chen Bao were riding to land on a platform near the top. There were many inner sect disciples in the area. Only the mountain peak that the sect master was on would you find any core disciples. "Okay, you two follow me. I will show you the way to your courtyards without flying. So you can remember the way." 

The arrival of the two girls caught the eye of those nearby. Ah Chun's appearance was not what caused the biggest stir it was the fact that these inner sect disciples could not feel an ounce of spiritual power coming from Ah Chun and Li Chen Bao. Which of course they wouldn't since Ah Chun and Li Chen Bao both had yet to reach the qi condensation realm. This was a big deal since this peak was reserved for the best of the best of the inner disciples. Those who stayed on this mountain were one step away from becoming core disciples!