Death Of The Huo Brothers

Xu Wei walked over to Huo Li who was completely pressed to the ground lifted him up by his neck and then proceeded to slap him over and over again. Ah Chun was behind him hooting and hollering "Little more on the left cheek! Little higher the welling is uneven!"

Huo Li who was being slapped silly could only move his head left and right with each slap. He had no power to resist what was happening to him. His once handsome face now resembled that of a pig. Huo Yang who was standing off to the side felt the crotch of his pants getting wet as he witnessed this scene. His most powerful brother who was a foundation realm cultivator was so easily beaten like a rag doll. Slapped to the point that his mother would never recognize him. Even he was having trouble telling if that was his older brother or not.