Round Two Stage Three Part Three

"Wait!" A thunderous shout sounded out from the crowd. With it came an oppressive amount of spirit pressure causing beads of sweat to form on Ah Chun's forehead. The spirit pressure slammed into her causing her to cough up a mouth full of blood. Instantly Elder Dan appeared in front of her blocking the spirit power from doing any more damage. 

Elder Dan glared fiercely at Elder Yi who was hovering in the air. "Elder Yi, what is the meaning of this?" 

"Elder Dan, are you really going to let your disciple kill a member of our sect? Is this not going too far? The young man has already apologized and yet she was still going to take his life!" Elder Yi sneered as he said this. In truth, he could care less if the Geng Su died or not he was just using this as an excuse to use excessive force against Ah Chun.