Round Two Stage Three Part Five

Ah Chun let out a laugh as she darted towards Long Jing without giving him a chance to do anything else. She used his own staff and spun her body on one foot swinging the staff right towards Long Jing's face. He quickly covered his head with his arms trying to defend his face. Unfortunately, for him, Ah Chun was only giving a fake and adjusted the trajectory and slammed the staff directly into his stomach sending him flying off the battle stage. 

Long Jing bounced a few times before sliding to a stop. Ah Chun who still had his staff in her hand let out another laugh as she looked down at him and stuck out her tongue before saying. "I did not know Big Brother Jing was so gullible if I knew I would not have teased you!" 

His cheeks turned red as he got up off the ground and patted off the dirt and dust from his robes. "Little Chunchun your so mean and here I thought you were a good person!"