Heaven's Gate City

A chuckle came from outside.  Causing Ah Chun and Xia Yang to turn their heads. "You two sound like old friends." Elder Dan walked into the main hall of Ah Chun's courtyard after seeing the two bickering at each other. 

Ah Chun and Xia Yang both looked at each other and "Humphed". She then got a brilliant idea as she forced some tears to roll out of her eyes and ran over to Elder Dan and hugged her waist. "Wuwu! Master! Sect Master bullied me!"

Xia Yang's face turned black. He looked at the teary eyes Ah Chun, pointed his finger and said: "You old rascal!" 

Elder Dan let out a light laugh. She had never seen Xia Yang so riled up before. Ah Chun wiped her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Xia Yang. This action caused Elder Dan to laugh even harder. 

"You're just jealous because I can get away with it!" Ah Chun teased. She had found that Xia Yang was pretty easy going.