The Second Coming

Ah Chun patted Shi Quan's body down and took his interspatial ring.  "Big Brother Xu, Thank you..." Ah Chun was glad that Xu Wei decided to follow her. She would never have known that the Mei Liling of this world had shared the same fate as her mother from her world. 

"Young Miss I am your contracted spirit beast. Anything  you need done, just let me know." Xu Wei's expressionless face showed a hint of a smile.

"Un! I promise when I am able to reach new heights I will allow you to see things beyond this plane!" Ah Chun now had a second goal to work towards. She now wanted to rescue the Mei Liling of this world. She had to reach the immortal realm as soon as possible. 

"Chun'er I finished burning the body." Xiao Feng flapped her little wings and landed on top of Ah Chun's head.