Slip Of The Tongue

The trip to the Cleansing Pools was a long one. Just to get there would take half a month. Luckily with Lunch, the trip would be quicker. The reason why they were leaving so soon was so that they could take as much time as they could to cultivate at the Celestial Mountain Range. It was a place where spiritual qi was very abundant. It had more spiritual qi than the sect master's mountain peak in the Jaded Dragon Sect. The ancient clan that owns the Cleansing Pool only opens it once a year to the public and only allows three seats. 

It's been a week and a half and Ah Chun, Peng An, and Long Jing have been riding on Lunch's back this entire time cultivating. They were only about two days out to reach their destination. Which excited both Long Jing and Peng An. For Ah Chun, she just wanted to get into the Cleansing Pool as fast as possible. 

Peng An patted the soft fur underneath her as she turned to Ah Chun and asked: "Little Chunchun why did you name Lunch, Lunch?"