Cleansing Pools

Ah Chun and Peng An walked up the path towards the female side. The trail that led to the cleansing pools took about fifteen minutes to traverse. Xiao Long was forced into Ah Chun's soul sea and barred from coming out until they were done, while Xu Wei took it upon himself to enter her Soul Sea on his own accord. 

When they arrived at the top there was a large flat area that had many pools of deep blue substance that faintly glowed. Spiritual qi swirled up over the surface of the pools along with the steam formed from the hot substance. Ah Chun was not sure if this was water or a condensed form of spiritual qi.

A female dragon walked up and greeted both Ah Chun and Peng An. "Elder Mu has already notified me of the situation. Young Miss Ah and Young Miss Peng, my name is Mu Min. If there is anything you need while staying here, just let me know."

"Big Sister Mu, we will be in your care." Ah Chun said with a smile as she gave a slight bow.