Ah Chun’s Lessons

When Ah Chun and Mei Yan arrived at the meeting point Elder Ming and Dong Yi were already there waiting for them, but when they saw Mei Yan they felt something was off about her but could not place their finger on it. Because of her new illusion technique, neither of them could tell she now had the Nine Tail Fox bloodline. Ah Chun had suggested keeping it a secret for now just in case there were people out there that might covet the bloodline.

"Did you two find anything?" Dong Yi spoke up first, his eyes full of suspicion.

"Even if we did find something, what is it to you? Will you try to take it from me? Not a single person here is capable of such a feat." Ah Chun scoffed. She really did not like this Dong Yi one bit.

Elder Ming frowned at Dong Yi and smacked him on top of his head. "She's right, why should she tell you?"