Black Mountain Island Part Two

Seeing Ah Chun getting ready for battle made the ten men all burst out laughing. They truly found Ah Chun's actions very funny. "Little lizard girl did you think you could scare us just because you are a half breed!? Whether you are a dragon or human we do not care. As of today, you will be used as a means for us to make some money. Half breeds such as yourself go for a high price on the slave market"

Ah Chun only looked at them and her smile became even bigger. Suddenly Four flashes of light shot out of Ah Chun, Lunch, Xu Wei, and Xiao Long all appeared in front of her. While Xiao Feng took up her rightful spot on top of Ah Chun's head. "I never said I was trying to scare anyone. But I will say this… Each and every one of you will die here today."