Rescuing Mei Liling Part One

Sitting in a restaurant located in Fallen City, Ah Chun sat at a table with Xu Wei and Xiao Jiyi. They were here after getting a piece of information that a cultivator that went by the name Ding Chen, who knows the whereabouts of the Mei Liling of this world. She just hoped her closed door cultivation was not too long. "Big Brother Xu, Xiao Jiyi, keep an eye out for anyone with a green robe. The person we interrogated said that Ding Chen always wears a green robe and comes to this restaurant every night."

Both Xu Wei and Xiao Jiyi nodded and began to look around. As time passed Ah Chun helped herself to some tasty dishes while waiting on Ding Chen to show up. It was not until about four hours passed when their target appeared. Ding Chen had no idea what was going on. Before he knew what was happening he found his neck was being held by a small hand and he was being dragged to a back alley. 
