All Together Once Again Part Two

Back in the mortal realm, Mei Liling was staring blankly at the two girls in front of her. "You two..." Tears welling up into her eyes, Mei Liling wondered just how much she has cried over the past few days. She pulled the two girls into a hug not wanting to let go. 

Seeing the two hugging and crying brought a smile to Ah Chun's lips as she said: "I will let you three catch up. I will go make sure their immortal caves are clean and dust free." 

With Ning Shen, Qing'er, and Meimei in tow, Ah Chun went back to the mountain which she resided and went to work cleaning her sisters' rooms for them. They never had many worldly possessions so it was only a matter of wiping things down. Seeing Ah Chun cleaning happily Meimei said: "Young Miss, you seem happy."