Unfated Meeting Part Three

Ah Chun couldn't hide her smile. For some reason in her heart, she was happy that Misaki had said such a thing to her. She could not break this unknown feeling of kinship to Misaki. "Mitsu, do you mind if we have a spar? I would really like to fight against someone who uses magic."

"Hmm? Sure." Misaki's lips curled up, she also wanted to fight this girl to see just how strong she was.

Boa Chen held his head in his hands. He had completely given up trying to stop anything. These two girls just would not listen to him. He could only go out and watch the show. 

Ah Chun stopped and turned to Ning Shen and said: "Shen'er please bring Miss Yan with you. I am sure she wishes to watch her fiancee in all her glory." 

Ning Shen nodded and turned to Qian Yan, and held out his hand: "If you would."