A Long Awaited Wedding Part Two

The whole mountain top was decorated in red lanterns and streamers. It was a day of celebration. It was the day that Ah Chun and Ning Shen would officially be married. The love the two held for each other over the course of thousands and thousands of years and even three lifetimes has finally come to a point where they can finally become husband and wife. Ah Chun has dreamt of this day for so long that her excitement couldn't be contained. "It's finally time!" Ah Chun shouted. Her voice echoing throughout the two peaks.

"Chun'er, if you shout like that you may scare him off." Misaki teased. She had already arrived and was helping Ah Chun get ready, along with Meimei, Qing'er, Yu Yan, and Zhi Ruo. 

"But, you have no idea how long I have waited for this day. Shen'er has always waited for me. And now I can finally officially become his wife." Ah Chun argued. She did not care who heard her. She was just happy that it was finally time.