A Bundle Of Joy Part One

"Alright, I will be heading back." Misaki had decided to head back after her little episode. She had a lot of mull over.

"What! Big Sister, you're leaving already?" Ah Chun asked her mouth full of spirit beast meat. 

"Yes, for now. It's not like we can not see each other any more. Although we may be on different continents we are only a small time and space tear away." Misaki said as she reached out and ruffled Ah Chun's hair. 

Ah Chun pouted and put the food in her hand down. She wiped her hands and face before she got up and divided into Misaki's embrace. "I will come and visit you at least once a month. If you are out and about, leave me a note so I know."

Misaki smiled warmly and hugged Ah Chun, gently rubbing her back. "I will, I promise. I will even come to visit you when I can. For now, I must use this time to cultivate this spiritual energy thing." Misaki then whispered: "Make sure you make me lots of nieces and nephews."