Song Tian

In the city somewhere on Earth, there is a residential area filled with a lot of mansion with only one straight road.

At the end of the road, there's another security gate with heavily armed people guarding it.

70 meters after the security gate, there is a mansion, which didn't look that big compared to the previous neighbors, but what makes it stands out is its vast land. It's filled with a lot of man-made landscapes.

Inside the spacious bedroom, the young man seemed to be looking something in his drawer.

"Ah, found it!" The young man said as he picks up a large black box that had a key lock on it and decided to open it straight away.

The young man is called Song Tian, he just graduated from high school.

Song Tian planned to buy a plot of land to start his small farm after his graduation.

Looking at the money inside the black box, Song Tian couldn't help but sighed, "I wonder if it's enough," he said.

Suddenly he heard a knock on his door, and the voice of a young girl who seems to be yelling was heard, "Brother, lunch is ready. If you're slow, I'm going to eat your portion!"

Song Tian smiled, he put the black box back to his drawer, "Coming," he said.

Song Tian looked at the foods on the table, "Wow, what are you cooking for lunch, mom?" he said as there's some kind of meat on the plate, glistening with a sauce on top of the rice which makes him salivating.

A refined middle-aged woman in her early forties smiled, "It's called Unadon, Japanese cuisine. I learned it from the videos I watch last week when I'm looking for some delicious eel recipes," she said.

The middle-aged woman is called Zhu Mei, she is Song Tian's mother.

Zhu Mei sat on a chair, looked around, "Where is Xiao Xue? Is she still asleep?" she asked.

The middle-aged man beside her answered, "She's been staying up all night, her company has been busy lately," he said.

The middle-aged man shook his head, "I can't believe she stayed up all night ever since her assistant took a vacation," he said.

Song Tian laughed, "Can't be helped dad, her company is dealing with many things since it became a popular platform. Even mom has been addicted since there's a lot of cooking channel pop out," he said.

After Song Tian finish his lunch, he started to count his money back to his bedroom, he has been saving all his pocket money since childhood.

While his friends spending on expensive stuff such as cars and other stuff, Song Tian only spends on what he needs.

Although his parents are wealthy and can give him anything he wants, he tries to save his pocket money instead. Because he didn't want to rely on them too much.

Song Tian already had a plan, which is to build his own farm from scratch.

His parents didn't even know this plan yet, he would tell them once he bought the land.

Song Tian turned his PC on, "I hope it's enough, let's look for empty land," he said as he's starting to browse through the internet.

Song Tian scrolls through the websites, "Hmm, let's see which land close to this area. I need to look one at least with one cabin to sleep, that would be enough for me," he said.

Someone snuck behind the chair and looking at her brother, browsing the internet.

Song Tian looked at the price, sighed, "Ah, all of them are expensive. Didn't expect the price of land near this area to be so high," he said.

Song Tian suddenly heard a young woman's voice, "Why are you looking for empty land? Are you planning to build a house for yourself."

Song Tian kept browsing, "Nah, I'm planning to build my own farm to start a... Whoa, Xiao Xia?" he said as he's startled to see his little sister behind him.

The young girl was excited as if she heard some big scoop, she ran outside of her brother's room immediately, yelled, "DAD! Brother wants to buy land! Brother wants to make a farm!" she said.

Song Tian smiled bitterly, "Damn, I should've locked the door. Didn't expect I got caught by my little sister, I don't know what mom and dad are going to do after knowing my plan," he said.

Song Tian put a hold on his land hunting and going to the living room to see the situation.

In the living room, Song Tian sits on the couch.

The middle-aged man staring at him sternly, "Xiao Tian, is what Xiao Xia said true?" he said.

The middle-aged man with a tall figure and big build, wearing a plain black t-shirt which makes his muscles stand out.

He sat on the couch in front of Song Tian and crossed his arms, and there is a dragon tattoo stretched on his right arm till all the way inside his t-shirt, and there is another tattoo on his left arm, which looked like a tiger.

The middle-aged man is called Song Chen, he is Song Tian's father.

Looking at his father, Song Tian gulped, "Yes, dad, I am looking for plots of land to start my own small farm," he said while taking a little glance at his father to see if it's a bad idea or not.

Song Chen sighed at his son's decision, "Why don't you consider to inherit Martial Hall? Xiao Tian, your skill is already at the peak, and after a few years of training, you can even surpass your mother and me," he said.

Song Tian relieved to see his father's reaction didn't go wrong as he expects, "I'm already tired with city lifestyle dad, and I really want to start my own farm," he said.

Song Tian continued, "Martial Hall has been already fine in your hands, and I'm sure Xiao Xia will definitely better than me at managing it in the future," he said.

The young girl beside him pouted, "Brother, you can't just pass that responsibility that to me. I'm too young for that," she said.

Zhu Mei went to the living room after gardening her own small garden in the backyard, looking at her family in the living room, asked, "What are you guys talking about?" she said.

After hearing the explanation from her husband, Zhu Mei stays calm as this was expected from knowing her son, "Dear, just let him do what he wants. He's already grown up, and I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of interesting things happens," she said.

Song Chen smiled bitterly, he looked at his son, "Alright, let's just do as he said. But, I need to know where are you planning to start your farm. You don't even have plots of land," he said.

Song Tian shook his head, "I'm just browsing the internet looking for it, and I haven't found the cheap ones yet," he said.

Zhu Mei furrowed her brows, "Cheap ones? How cheap are we talking here?" she said.

Song Tian took out his phone and looking at the mobile banking apps, "I have around 3 Million from saving my pocket money and some red packet from elders. I wanna look for land under 500K. After that, I'll split the money to get the necessary equipment and saving the rest of it," he said.

Zhu Mei didn't seem surprised to see her son saving so much since Song Tian didn't even much stuff except some games which he always plays on his PC.

Zhu Mei pondered for a moment, "Where do you plan to buy the land? You also need to consider heavy equipment like tractor and such. I heard it's really expensive," she said.

Looking at his mom seemed to misunderstand something, Song Tian shook his head, "I'm not planning that advanced farm mom, I'm just going to start small. Like using a hoe and stuff. I want to start it with the traditional way," he said.

Song Tian continued, "I'm also considering to build a small chicken coop. I'm planning to buy it near this area, I didn't expect it to be really expensive," he said.

Hearing her son's plans, Zhu Mei gasped, "Traditional way? Xiao Tian, you know it's going to be so physically demanding. Also, there is no way a plot of land that cheap near this area," she said.

Song Tian smiled, "Don't worry mom, I know it's going to be hard, but in some way, it is also training for my body. Didn't you always hear dad complaining to me always playing games? While I work on the farm, I also keep training my body, right? Hehe," he said as he looked at his father.

Song Chen mouth twitched, "How can you always make excuses," he said.

Song Chen continued, "Well, it is also good for training your body, but how do you make money out of it? You know there is a lot of farms in this country. Most of them are already using advanced equipment," he said.

Song Tian pondered for a moment, "Hmmm, let's see, I can try to sell it to the local market. But let's not talk about that, I don't have the land yet," he said.

His parents sighed after listening to his odd reason.

Zhu Mei took out her phone, "How about this, your Uncle Jiang had this small land he rented to, but the owner already passed away. I'm going to try to call him to see if the land is still available," she said.

In a huge tower building, a man in his fifties sitting on his big chair while looking at the scenery from the windows of his office room.

The man could hear his phone is ringing, and the man answered the call, "Xiao Mei, what's happening?" he said.

After hearing his sister's explanation, the man sighed, "There is, why don't I give this land to Xiao Tian so he can save more money. I know his personality, let just say if he insists want to buy it, make it seems I'm lowering the price, after that, you save the money for him. How can I take money from my nephew," he said.

The man continued, "I will come to your house tonight with my daughters, they have been pestering me to go to your house," he said, and the calls ended.

The man sighed, "I didn't expect Xiao Tian wants to start a small farm, what a surprise," he said.

Back to the Song Family's House, Zhu Mei looked at her son, "Xiao Tian, your Uncle Jiang said the land is available. He will be lowering the price for you to buy," she said.

Song Tian sighed. He knows his uncle going to give him the lands, and lowering the price is just an excuse.

His Uncle Jiang always spoilt him. There's even one time that he bought him a whole small island for his birthday present.

Song Tian laughed, "I know what Uncle Jiang gonna do mom. I will just go to his house tomorrow to talk about it," he said.

Zhu Mei shook her head, "You don't have to go, your uncle will come tonight with Xiao Yan and Xiao Rong," she said.