The Way of the Hoe

After having breakfast with his family, Song Tian went outside to buy the Hoe for his first quest.

He drove using his mom's car and went straight to the store about 5km away from residential areas.

At the store, Song Tian looked at the tool stand in front of him, there are a lot of varieties in it.

Song Tian looked around the store, "My first quest needs to train with a hoe, I think I'll just buy a watering can and other basic tools while I'm at it," he thought.

Song Tian picked all the tools and put them into the shopping cart and goes to the cashier area.

After that, he went to Fatty Wang's house to talk about rebuilding the cabin in his land.

Arrived at the big mansion near his residence area, Song Tian called Fatty Wang with his phone, "I'm already in front of the door," he said.

Several moments later, a young man with a plump figure appeared as he opened the door.

He is Song Tian's best friend, his name is Wang Hai.

People close to him always call him Fatty Wang, if some strangers were to calls him like that, he's probably going to smash them.

Wang Hai led Song Tian inside his house, "Brother, is it true? You already bought the land? Wow, I didn't expect you to really start a farm," he said.

Inside the living room, both of them sat on the couch and drinking coffee, which served by the housekeeper.

Song Tian put the glass on the table, "I already bought the land, and there is a small cabin which I need to rebuild, and that's why I come here to ask you if it's possible," he said.

Wang Hai laughed, "What are you talking about, brother? Don't you already know our capabilities? Did you have the small cabin photo on you? I need to look at it," he said.

Song Tian took out his phone and shows Wang Hai the photos he took from all around the cabins.

Wang Hai took a closer look at it, "Hmm, I see, it's an easy task, brother. What kind of woods do you want to use? There's a range from cheaper to expensive types of timber you need to consider," he said.

After hearing Wang Hai's explanation about the pros and cons of each timber, Song Tian smiled, "I will take the Oak since it's way easier. If I'm using pine, I have to take care of it every two years," he said.

Song Tian handed the address and the design of the log cabin, including the chicken coop design to Wang Hai.

Wang Hai already finishes writing a note, "Alright brother, I will relay it to my father. After I got the approval, I will send you an email right away," he said.

After that, Song Tian drives straight to his farmland.

He really wants to do his quest quickly, so he started to get his Hoe from the car and begin tilling the soil in front of him.

Several hours later, Song Tian drenched in sweat, "Damn, this is way more tiring than I expect. Xiao Yi, how many hours left until I finish for today?" he asked.

Song Yi answered, "Only 35 minutes left master, keep going," she said while cheering Song Tian.

35 minutes later, Song Yi voice could be heard, "Master, you've already done for five hours," she said.

Song Tian relieved to finally finish the task for today, he looked at the quest scroll, he can see 1/7 written in the progress section.

He went straight to the old cabin and takes a shower. He glads the water system still works in this cabin.

Several moments later, he went back to his home.

At 5 PM, Song Tian takes out the stuff he brought for his sisters on his way back to the house and yells, "Xiao Xia, come and get your Ice Cream!" he said.

Not long after, Song Xia snatched the plastic bag from his brother, "Wow, so much ice cream," she said.

Song Tian laughed, "Don't take them all, share it with your big sister too. Don't you afraid you'll get fat if you eat too much of it?" he said.

Song Xia pouts her mouth, "No way, I'm always training every day. Even I ate all of them, it would burn straight away," she said.

After speaking with his sister, he goes straight to his room, and there is a notification on his PC.

Song Tian looked at the emails, sighed, "This fatty must be lowering the cost a lot for me. There's no way oak cabin and chicken coop would be this cheap," he said.

After confirming the deal through the phone, Wang Hai told him that they'll start working tomorrow morning because he couldn't wait to see what kind of land Song Tian buy to start his farm.

Several moments later, Song Tian in the backyard with his little sister, "Xiao Xia, today I'm going to teach you the fundamental of advanced footwork," he said.

After the training finished, both of them return to their own room, and Song Tian went to sleep after he took a shower.

After finished with his morning activities, Song Tian went straight to his farm.

Arrived, Song Tian already saw Wang Hai and his workers waiting for him.

Wang Hai laughed, "Damn brother, didn't expect it to be such a nice land. It even had a waterfall along the river," he said.

Song Tian laughed, "Yeah, I also didn't expect to hit such a jackpot. If it's not because of my uncle, I wouldn't even get to see that," he said.

After speaking for a while, Song Tian went to pick his hoe, "Fatty Wang, I will train first with my new Hoe. Also, tell your worker to don't mind with my antics," he said.

Wang Hai twitched his mouth upon hearing the new hoe from Song Tian, "It's just a tool name, my mind is already corrupted by the internet," he thought.

Wang Hai looked at his brother with a puzzled look, "Is it a new Martial Hall technique?" he couldn't help but ask.

Song Tian laughed, "Yes, something like that," he said.

Song Tian continues to train for 3 hours straight, and Wang Hai's Worker Couldn't help talking to each other.

Worker 1 said, "I know Young Master Song really skilled at martial arts, but what kind of training is that?"

Worker 2 glanced at Song Tian continuously tilled the soil with his hoe, "I don't know, ordinary folks like us would never understand how a master like him trains anyway," he said.

Wang Hai glared at them, "Both of you, focus on your work," he said.

After Song Tian finished the task for today, he bid farewell to Wang Hai and his workers.

Several days later, Song Tian wakes up early as it's the last day for Song Tian to complete his first Quest.

The cabins already completed and Wang Hai's workers already working on the chicken coop.

After Song Tian arrives, he goes inside the cabin looking at the spacious space, grinned, "Nice, now it feels more like a log cabin I dreamed. I'll ask mom with the furniture since she's more experienced in this area," he thought.

The cabin now two times larger than the previous one, and it even had two bedrooms and one bathroom on the first floor.

Song Tian is planning to make the bedroom on the first floor for the guest, just in case his family and friends decided to stay.

Song Tian looked at the shades of natural light seeping through the large windows in the living room.

Song Tian took out his phone and snapped a picture of it, and he immediately posted it straight to his social media account.

The second floor is cut in half, so it's connected to the living room, Song Tian could see the living room from up there.

On the second floor, there is one door which leads to his bedroom. Inside his bedroom, there is another door which connected to his private bathroom.

After roaming around his new cabin for a while, Song Tian started to do his last task for the first quest.

Several hours later, Song Yi voice could be heard, "Master, congratulation for completing your first quest," she said.

Song Tian eyes lit up as he's finally completing his first quest, and he's really curious about the rewards.

The quest scroll appeared in front of him, and this time it glowed brightly.

Song Tian looked at the stuff written on the scroll.

"First Main Quest: The Way of The Hoe completed."

- Rewards: Basic Hoe, Basic Watering Can, and Ability to see EXP required to level up.

- PS: "For the function and instruction, master can ask me directly as it also strengthens our bonds by talking, hehe."

Song Tian laughed at the last sentence and asked, "Xiao Yi, why is it must be named Basic Hoe? Why can't it be another name?" he said.

Song Yi giggled, "It's already set that way, and I can't change it. Master, don't think too much about it,' she said.

Song Tian couldn't help but feel suspicious and asked, "Well, let's set that aside. What's the function of Basic Hoe? How is it any different than the ones I'm using for training right now?" he said.

Song Yi answered, "Of course it's different. The Basic Hoe provided by me has material from another galaxy, and it's unbreakable. It also can till your soil in perfect round shape. Try it master, and you'll know what I mean by that. Oh, also press the Claim button on the scrolls to get the item for you," she said.

Song Tian presses the Claim button, and a hoe and watering can appeared in front of him.

Song Tian asked, "Xiao Yi, where can I see the EXP bar?" he said.

Not long after, another scroll with something different written on it appeared in front of him.

- Stats: Level 2 required to unlock this feature.

- EXP: 99/100.

Song Tian gritted his teeth, "Damn, only 1 exp left," he said.

After that, Song Tian decided to take a look at new items he just acquired.

The Basic Hoe looked ordinary, but when he looked at it closer, he notices that there's a difference on the head part, which seems to be made out of material which he never saw before.

As for the watering can, it has blue color on and there is a small button on the handle.

Song Tian decided he would focus on one thing first and pick up his new hoe.

He swung his arms, trying to till the soil with his new hoe and noticed that the Basic Hoe didn't even weight that much, it's definitely lighter than a regular hoe.

As the head of Basic Hoe reaches the ground, Song Tian looked at the soil, surprised, "Wow, it's completely perfect round," he said.

After that, Song Tian started to till his Basic Hoe just next to the tilled soil he created previously.

Song Tian looked at the perfectly aligned rounds next to each other, "Damn, this stuff is perfect," he said.

Song Yi laughed, "Of course it is, it has OCD friendly features, so you don't have to worry about misaligned rounds even if you till between them. Master, try to imagine to till three horizontal rounds in your mind and swing your hoe," she said.

After hearing the Basic Hoe even had OCD friendly features he's getting more excited and trying to do what Song Yi said.

After imagining the three straight horizontal rounds, Song Tian swung his hoe, and he startled to see exact three horizontal rounds appear in the soil.

Song Yi continued, "Master, now try to imagine the rounds like before, but this time tries with a vertical direction," she said.

Song Tian tries to do what Song Yi said, and three straight rounds in vertical appeared on the soil.

Song Tian gets even more excited and asked, "Xiao Yi, with this basic hoe can I also do the diagonal ones? And how many rounds can I till with the Basic Hoe?" he said.

Song Yi answered, "Of course, master. But you can only use the Basic Hoe to till the soil at 3x3 for now. How is it? Awesome, right? Hehe," she said.

Song Yi continued, "Oh, also the Basic Hoe can turn any soil become a perfect condition for planting. After you till it, any wild weeds and roots in the soil will be removed, so it doesn't affect your plants in any harmful ways," she said.

Hearing Song Yi smug voice, Song Tian laughed, "Yes, it's really awesome. Now let's talk about Basic Watering Can function," he said.

Song Yi began to explain, "Basic Watering Can have the function which can contain 200L of waters despite the small size of it and it also had water converter which makes it suitable for any plants you pour them into. Each round of tilled soil needs of 1L of waters. So you don't have to worry about overwatering them because once the tilled soil is filled with 1L of water, the Basic Watering Can stop automatically, so you don't have to worry about wasting any waters you have on it," she said.

Song Yi continued, "While in dry condition, some plants needed to be watered twice. But with this Basic Watering Can, you only need to water it once a day in any condition. There is a small button on the handle. While you're filling the Basic Watering Can, press the button for turbo fill, and it will be filled in less than a second. Also, Basic Watering Can only work on soil tilled with system tools. If you try to water on any random plants or location with it, the water won't come out. Try it, master, it also has the same function similar to Basic Hoe. You can also water on horizontal, vertical, diagonal and 3x3," she said.

Song Tian immediately picked the Basic Watering Can and went to the river to try its turbo filling function.

He put the watering can on the river and presses the small button with his finger.

After several seconds, he furrowed his brows, "Xiao Yi, what happened to this watering can? Is it Broken?" he asked.

Xiao Yi giggled, "No master, it's already filled up. You can't notice the weight difference because it's function, and for now, you can't see the tool stats because you haven't leveled up yet," she said.

Song Tian glanced at Basic Watering Can in his hand, "Wow, if that's true, then it is really awesome. Let's try the function right away," he said.

After finished trying all of his new tools function, Song Tian couldn't help to feel joy because his basic tools are amazing.

He can't wait for what comes next.