
At the backyard, Song Tian looked at the clean river with the fish swimming on it, "If I can see the fish from here, isn't this kinda too easy?" he muttered.

Song Tian decided to go left following the river to see if there's any deeper water, he didn't go to the right because it's where the waterfall located.

Before Song Tian walked too far from his cabin, he slapped his forehead, "Ah, am I being senile at such a young age? I even forgot I didn't have the bait yet," he said.

Song Tian walked back to his cabin and took several amounts of money to get some bait at the local market.

Arrived at the fishing section, Song Tian went to the fishing shop right at the entrance and asked the staff, "Boss, can you recommend me some baits for a beginner? I want to fish some in the river here," he said.

The staff answered, "River? I recommend you using the worms because it can catch a wide variety of fish. But you can easily collect the worms in the dirt, are you sure you want to buy it?" he said.

Song Tian smiled, not only the staff recommends him the bait, but he also advises him to get it by himself since it's so easy to obtain.

Song Tian nodded, "I will just buy it here boss, since you're so honest about this that means you can be trusted when it came to this. Also, I want to buy other stuff," he said.

Song Tian decided to buy the bag for his Basic Fishing Rod, small containers for hook and bait and also the fishing net.

Satisfied with the all stuff he got, he went back to his cabin and put the Basic Fishing Rod on his new bag.

Song Tian looked at his fishing gear, "Damn, now I almost leveled up to become a real angler, haha," he said.

Song Tian continued, "Xiao Yi, open the fishing interface. I want to buy some hooks," he said.

Song Yi giggled, "Okay! Make sure to buy a lot of it master," she said.

In the end, Song Tian bought 5 of the freshwater hooks small and big with a total of $150.

Song Tian smiled bitterly at the price of the hooks, and he went back to look for deeper water to fish.

After walking several meters away from his farm, he ended up in a big lake.

Song Tian could see there are a couple of peoples fishing on the side of the lake and some of them on are fishing on the boat, "Woah, it seems that there's a lot of fish on this lake," he exclaimed.

On the side of the lake, Song Tian already got the spot and put the fishing bag and small bucket to the ground.

Letting out the Basic Fishing Rod, Song Tian started to open the hooks container.

Song Tian looking at the small hook, there's no hole or any slight bend in it, "Xiao Yi, how can I put the line to the hook if there's no holes or any bend on the eye area?" he asked.

Song Yi laughed, "Master, sorry I forgot to tell you. Just line up the hook on the tip of the line, and it'll connect automatically. If you want to change or remove the hook, just pull it with a slight force. Only you can remove the hook, and it can't be removed by other peoples," she said.

Song Tian tries to do as to Song Yi said and the hook already attached to it as if it has a magnet on it.

Putting the worms on the hook, Song Tian stood up, "Xiao Yi, show me the quest list. Just in case if there's a fishing mission on it today hehe," he said.

Song Yi laugh could be heard, and the quest scroll appeared in front of Song Tian with a lot of side quest on it.

Looking at all the quest listed on the scrolls, Song Tian smiled bitterly, "No fishing quest at all? I guess luck's not on my side today," he said.

Song Yi giggled, "Don't worry master, wait until 00:01 AM for the quest list to refresh," she said.

Song Tian shook his head, "It's too long. Forget it, I will just fish like a normal person for now," he said.

Song Yi laughed, "It's not normal fishing since you're already using the Basic Fishing Rod," she said.

Song Tian sighed, "I will try to cast it nearby since I don't really know how the fishing works," he said as he slightly twists his body and gently swung the Basic Fishing Rod.


The hook already reaches the water, and Song Tian kept his arms gripping the rod, "I forgot to buy the floats! Xiao Yi, a regular float can be attached to the Basic Fishing Rod, right?" he said.

Song Yi answered, "Yes, you can actually attach the normal float to it. I forgot to tell you that when we're still on the fishing shop earlier, hehe," she said.

Song Tian smiled bitterly, "Well, I can just buy it later. For now, I'll just hold this rod so I can at least feel if the fish coming to bite," he said.

Not long after, he felt the rod twitched, and Song Tian decided to pull it.

With slight resistant, The Basic Fishing Rod curved as if the thing he pulls is some kind of big stuff.

Song Tian tries to maneuver his rod movement left, up, right, pull like the fishing games he usually plays on his PC.

Not long after, the fish seems to be not resisting anymore, and Song Tian decided to pull it again.

Song Tian looked at the fish hung in the air, "Woah, what fish is that?" he exclaimed as he picks his net with another hand for the fish he just caught.

Song Tian asked, "Xiao Yi, can I see the stats of this fish?" he said.

Song Yi giggled, "Beep beep, that features still locked, hehe," she said.

Song Tian shook his head, and he removes the hook from the fish he got then put it on the small bucket.

Song Tian put another worm on it, and this time, Song Tian decided to cast a bit far as he put more power when he swings the rod.

Almost an hour later, Song Tian already got nine fishes, he sighed as he looks at the bucket, "All of them are the same types of fish. Maybe different bait or different spots will affect it," he said ass he decided to wrap all of his fishing gears to leave.

As he walked Song Tian can see a man in his thirties seems to be having hard times to pull the rod and his rod already curved to the limit.

Song Tian walked closer as he curious what is this man got to makes him like this.

As Song Tian got closer, he noticed the man is a Caucasian.

The Caucasian man noticed Song Tian, "Young man, come and help me pull out this big boy!" he said.

Song Tian didn't seem to be surprised to see Caucasians here as the country he lived in is a multicultural country, and there are a lot of peoples over the world who live here to settle down since this country is found not long ago.

Song Tian asked, "How do I help you? By pulling you from the back or what?" he said.

The Caucasian man nodded, "Just pull me from the back, pull it like there's no tomorrow! You don't have to worry about my gears, just pull me," he said.

Song Tian went to the back of the Caucasian man, and he grabs him from behind.

If other peoples were to see this, they'd think Song Tian wants to German Suplex the Caucasian man.

Song Tian pulled the man, but he noticed that there's indeed something big pulling the Caucasian man and he's increasing his force to pull the man and from the back, he can see big fish is coming out of the water.

The Caucasian man laughed, "Yes, finally I can get this big boy, haha," he said.

The Caucasian man looked at Song Tian, handed his fishing rod, "Young man, please hold the rod for me. I want to pick the fish for my trophy," he said.

After the Caucasian man successfully retrieved the fish and put it on the big container, he patted Song Tian's shoulder, "Thank you, young man, without your help it's probably going hard to pull this big boy out of the water," he said.

Song Tian laughed, "Don't worry, it's my first time to see someone caught fish that big with a rod. By the way, what kind of fish is that?" he said as he looked at the big fish on the container.

The Caucasian man answered, "It's Siamese carp, this big boy probably weighed around 50kg," he said.

The Caucasian man introduces himself, "I'm Bob Lawrence. What's your name, young man? You already finished your fishing session?" he said.

Song Tian smiled, "I'm Song Tian, I live on a farm not far away from here. I just look for some fish for my breakfast. Since it's my first time fishing, can you tell me if this fish is edible or not?" he asked as he shows his bucket to Bob Lawrence.

Looking at the fish in a small bucket, Bob Lawrence laughed, "Aw, too bad. I was about to take you to my secret fishing spot in this area. This is catfish, and you can make a lot of foods from this. You can fry it, or you can also grill it, but clean it first," he said.

Song Tian nodded, "Thank you, as long as it's edible I'm relieved. I'm going back to my farm. If you got the time, come visit me, it's not far away from here," he said.

Bob Lawrence laughed, "Alright, I will come once I had the times. I'm also going to change to a different spot for another fish," he said.

Several minutes later, Song Tian back to his cabin. He let the catfish on the small bucket as he looked on the tutorial for making a simple catfish dish.

There are several recipes on the website, but he looked at the simple ones.

As he follows the recipe on his phone, Song Tian starting to clean the fish.

Several minutes after, Song Tian takes the fried catfish out of the frying wok and let the oil out of the fried fish.

Song Tian looked at the fried fish in front of him, he took a bite, "Wow, just the fish alone is already this crispy. I'm glad I decided to marinate it with some spices before fry it," he said.

Song Tian continued, "But it needs some condiment, I think there's some Carolina Reaper left on the fridge," he said but ended up disappointed as there's no Carolina Reaper on his fridge.

Song Tian sighed, "Ah, I guess the ghost pepper will do. I can make this into sambal I learned the internet," he said as he gets some garlic, shallots, salt, and sugar.

Several moments later, Song Tian put some rice on his plate and eats the fried fish.

Not long after, Song Tian already finished his breakfast, "Wow, what a nice combination. If this sambal created with Carolina Reaper, it would be more delicious," he muttered.

Song Tian cleaned all his dishes and went outside to the planted crops, he looked at the cabbages he planted, "It still had 1 day left, that means tomorrow will be the harvest day," he said.

Song Tian took a shower and drives his car to the seeds shop. On his way, he's still pondered to what fruit trees he's going to plant.

Arrived at the parking lot, Song Tian stepped out of his car and went to the seed store.

Song Tian picked the shopping cart and went to the garlic stands, "Hmm, I think I'm going to buy a lot of it so I can experiment with the quantities of seeds on tilled soil," he said as he picks up a lot of garlic seeds bag and put it to his chart.

Song Tian went to the staff and asked, "Excuse me, miss, can you tell me where to get apple saplings in this store?" he said.

The woman turned back to see the young man, surprised, "Isn't this the young man back then who buys the strawberry and cabbage seeds?" she thought.

The woman answered, "Come with me, I will lead you to the saplings area," she said.

Arrived at the place, Song Tian could see a lot of saplings from different types of trees.

The woman smiled, "Here's the apple seeds and I remember you when you came here to buy the strawberry and cabbage seeds. When you plant the trees, make sure not to plant it on 6 meters radius from the planted crops," she said.

The woman continued, "If you ever need advice, just ask me. I'm Tanaka Miyu, what's your name?" she said as she introduced herself and handed her business card.

Song Tian smiled as he took the card, "My name is Song Tian. Thanks, and I will come to ask if there's any problem regarding the plants," he said.

After talking for several minutes with Tanaka Miyu, Song Tian also bought a lot of organic fertilizers and bid farewell to Tanaka Miyu.

On the road, Song Tian felt a butterfly on his stomach, "With these apple saplings and garlic seeds, I'm somehow nervous yet excited at the same time. I can't wait to test the result of different quantities of seeds on each tilled soils and the effect of fertilizers," he said.

Song Yi laughed, "Now, that's the way to go master!" she said.