Global Forum and Marketplace.

Song Tian surprised to see the additional reward is System Express, but he didn't immediately check the rewards as he needs to harvest his potatoes.

Several moments later, Song Tian harvested all of his potatoes and wiping the sweat on his forehead, looking at the strawberries which still hang on its plant, Song Tian took out his phone and take several photos of potatoes in the container and some strawberry plants and upload some of them in the [Springville] group.

Song Tian uploads the strawberry photos first with the caption, "Fresh strawberries are ready to pick. @TangXun brother, this is a different kind of strawberry, and it's more expensive at $10/kg. Just letting you know, in case you're surprised at the price increase and please tell Uncle Fu." After that, he also uploads the photo of potatoes in the container with a similar caption.

Not long after, some people mentioned him in the group.

TangXun: "@SongTian Alright, since your previous ones are already great, I will come at 4 PM to check it out."

MiaLawrence: "@SongTian So huge? Too bad I'm still outside of the town. Preserve it well, I'll come to your farm with my husband later."

Song Tian scrolled down his phone, and there are messages from Su Wen said she will come to buy the potatoes later. He put his phone on his pocket, "Xiao Yi, explain the rewards for me," he said.

Song Yi said, "Alright, master. Global Forum & Marketplace is basically all the forum and marketplace on earth combined into ones by me, so it'll be easier for you to access to buy and sell stuff on it and don't worry about the different language, it'll automatically translate any post on it including your post."

Song Tian nodded, "Is it safe to use? Let's say I'm selling my farm product in other countries, without any documents, isn't it breaking the law?" he asked.

Song Yi giggled, "You don't have to worry about that, master. You can just sit and relax while you're selling your product anywhere. No matter how high their technology and law are, they can't trace and do anything with me around," she said.

Song Tian pondered for a moment, "What if there are some authorities had the inheritance or even the fated ones to track me? I'm definitely going to be in trouble for that," he couldn't help to ask again as he had to think other possibilities even if the chances are low.

Song Yi laughed, "Master, the system has some iron rules. One of them is to never interfere with each others business, and we can't break that rule, or else the system who break one of many iron rules will disappear along with its master without any traces," she said.

Song Tian gulped, "Is this rule set by your creator?" he asked.

Song Yi giggled, "It's a secret, and I can't tell you anything about it, hehe," she said.

Song Tian smiled bitterly and decided to ask no further about Song Yi's origin, "What about the deliveries? Is the System Express related to it? It sounds like a delivery name," he said.

Song Yi said, "Yes, that's the System Express for. It will deliver all your farm product for free, and you don't have to be afraid of troubles, I will take care of it for master."

Song Yi continued, "If master wants to send a product outside of farm categories, I will charge $100 for local and $200 for international deliveries," she said.

Song Tian shook his head, "So expensive? $100 for local deliveries? I'd rather use the regular delivery service," he said.

Song Yi laughed, "It's really cheap, my delivery service didn't have the species, quantity and weight limit. You can even send a plane with all passengers, including yourself in it to anywhere you want. Too bad you can't send the planet though," she said.

Song Tian surprised to hear that it has no limit, "Wow, isn't this too overpowered? It's like teleportation, only it has to be paid," he said as he's excited about the rewards he received.

At 11 AM, Wang Hai arrived at Song Tian's Farm, "Brother, are you sure you can make the material?" he asked.

Song Tian smiled, "Let me show you, follow me," he said as he led Wang Hai to the Basic Crafting Station on his backyard and he's starting to craft the metal frame, bolt, nut and glass panel in front of Wang Hai.

Several minutes later, Wang Hai jaw widened to see his brother crafting the materials with the power tools and transform the metal and glass to any shape he wants, his eyes lit up, gripping Song Tian's shoulder and shakes it, "Brother, please work with me in my dad's company. We're going to make it big," he said.

Song Tian shook his head, "Nah, I can't. You already know my dream is to become a farmer. But if you want to build something for yourself or your close family, I will craft the materials for you. Stop shaking me!" he said as he didn't have to worry about Wang Hai and his family because he trusts them.

Wang Hai smiled bitterly as he already expected his brother refusal, "Is this material reliable?" he asked.

Song Tian laughed, he picks a sledgehammer and picks the glass panel, "See it for yourself," he said as he put the glass panel on the ground and started to smash it with a sledgehammer on his hand several times.

Wang Hai shocked to see the glass didn't break, "What glass is that?" Wang Hai couldn't help but exclaimed as he saw the glass didn't even shatter.

Wang Hai inspected the glass closer and didn't see even a tiny bit of scratch, he took the sledgehammer from Song Tian and try to smash it as hard as he could for several times.

3 minutes later, Song Tian laughed to see his brother was drenched in sweat as he's been smashing the glass with sledgehammer nonstop. He didn't have to worry about his material because Song Yi already told him that all the materials are basically unbreakable. Only he can break the glass panel by transforming it in the Basic Crafting Station or melt it to Basic Furnace.

"Brother, we'll discuss this after I clean myself," Wang Hai said as he went to the bathroom and several minutes later, Song Tian and Wang Hai sat on the couch in the living room to discuss the plan.

Wang Hai looked at the design Song Tian sent him yesterday, "Brother, how many plants are you planning inside this design? Is this hole for exhaust fan?" he asked as he saw the six holes in front and back of the greenhouse.

Song Tian answered, "The planted area in the greenhouse must be 120 square meters. Yes, that's for exhaust fans. As for the rest, I leave it up to you," he said.

Wang Hai nodded, "Alright, I will calculate how much each glass panel, frames needed to build this on my office. I will message you once the materials needed are calculated and got approval from my dad," he said as he bids farewell to Song Tian.

Several moments later, Su Wen came, "Where're your potatoes? When are you going to open your shop?" she asked.

Song Tian smiled, "It's on the warehouse, I'll have to wait until tomorrow after harvesting the turnip and cabbages," he said as he led Su Wen into the warehouse to get the potato.

Su Wen picks the potatoes and looks closer at it, there's no cut, no blemishes and any problem in it. She tries to squeeze the potatoes, and it's firm, "It's great, I will buy four kilograms of these. How much is it?" she asked.

Song Tian answered, "It's $4/kg, so the total of it will be $16, and each kg contains 5 potatoes," he said as he led Su Wen to the weight scale and put the four potatoes in it.

Su Wen surprised, "So cheap? In the grocery store, I bought 1kg of it for $6," she said.

Song Tian laughed, "You're buying it directly from the supplier, of course, it'll be cheap. If these potatoes make their way into retail stores, their prices will be higher than that," he said.

Song Tian continued, "Don't confuse this potato with a regular one, it's high quality. Here, try to taste this high-quality strawberry, and you'll see the difference from my previous strawberry," he said as he picks the high-quality strawberry and handed it to Su Wen.

Su Wen looked at the new strawberry in her hands which way bigger than the previous ones, she took a bite of it and shocked to see the taste is way better, "Oh my god, I also buy this one," she said.

Song Tian laughed, and Su Wen ended buys 4kg of potatoes and 4kg of strawberries, which earned him a total of $56. Su Wen said she will be back again before she left to her home.

Not long after, Su Wen came back, "Phew, now I don't have to worry about dinner," she said.

Song Tian looked at Su Wen who just came, "Do you also cook a lot at home?" he asked.

Su Wen nodded, "Mostly, but sometimes I crave my mom's food, and she'll cook for me," she said.

Song Tian nodded, "Where is Lin Hua? Why I don't see her hanging out?" he said.

Su Wen answered, "You didn't know? She's been sick, and Grandma Zhao takes her to your paternal grandparent's house," she said.

Song Tian shocked, "Sick? I didn't know about that, Grandma Zhao has been away for a while, is the illness serious?" he asked.

Su Wen shook her head, "Nah, she said she's diagnosed with some rare body constitution. She's okay now, and Grandma Zhao takes her as her disciple," she said.

Song Tian startled, "Body Constitution? Disciple? Damn, I know this world already has some cultivator. But I didn't think the body constitution also exist in real life," he said.

Su Wen smiled bitterly, "I'm not even surprised anymore if we had alien neighbor since Grandma Zhao shows us her spiritual artifact. I'll call Elisa," she said as she didn't call Elisa Delgado with honorific anymore because Elisa Delgado told Song Tian and Su Wen not to use an honorific when calling her because it's too stiff.

Even Mia Lawrence and her husband tell Song Tian and Su Wen to call them with their name as it's too formal, both of them still trying to get used to calls their names without honorific, but it's hard when they're already taught to use that since an early age.

Su Wen came back with Elisa Delgado not long after, Song Tian said, "Yo sister... Err, Elisa, how is your apartment?" He asked.

Elisa Delgado laughed, "Still not used without honorific, huh? As usual, no new sign of tenants yet," she said.

Song Tian laughed, "Enjoy your times while you can, when there's a new tenant, you'll be burdened with many stuff," he said.

Su Wen sat on the couch, "Song Tian, I'll buy 1kg of potatoes," she said.

Song Tian surprised, "More? Didn't you just buy potatoes earlier?" he said.

Su Wen shook her head, "You guys haven't had your lunch, right? I will make us some gratin," she said.

Song Tian looked at Su Wen, "No need to pay for it, and here I thought the potatoes you bought earlier aren't enough," he said.

Su Wen said, "No, it's your farm product, of course, I'll buy it," she said.

Song Tian laughed, "Hush, just take it. It's not like you're using it for yourself. The beauty herself will cook the lunch for me, how can I charge for it? Wait for me to get it," he said as he went to the warehouse to pick the potatoes.

Looking at Song Tian back as he left the cabin, Elisa Delgado looked at Su Wen, "It must be nice to be young," she said.

Su Wen shook her head, "You're only 25, and we're just a friend. Why people always think we're dating?" she asked as she always gets that question, even her parents are suspecting her to secretly date with Song Tian.

Elisa Delgado shook her head and smiled. Not long after, Song Tian went back to bring some potatoes with him, and he helps Su Wen prepares the ingredient.

After the lunch, Song Tian stood up, "You guys take your time, I'll take a look at my shop," he said as he went outside.

Song Tian looked at the small shop near the entrance of his farm. His shop is facing south, directly facing the road. It has a french door on the front with picture windows beside it. The wall is simple as it has stone cladding wall with random patterns on it.

Song Tian already put the strawberry, potatoes, and eggs, "Alright, before I open the shop I need to consider to make the store's sign. I also need to consider to makes other product," he said as he can't just sell only crops and eggs.

Song Tian remember he also crafted mayonnaise maker, "Mayonnaise, huh? There's also Jam Making Machine and Crop Dehydrator which I haven't crafted yet," he muttered.

Song Tian could hear the door being opened and it was Su Wen and Elisa Delgado. Both of them were looking around the shop and talked for several hours until they at 4 PM.

"Xiao Yi, how do I open the Global Forum and Marketplace?" Song Tian asked as he sat in front of his PC.

Song Yi said, "Master, you can open it from [Farm Interface]. But since you already turn on your PC, I'll set it so it'll be integrated with your PC and your phone," she said.

Song Tian could see the Global Forum, and Marketplace icon appeared on his desktop, he clicked the icon, and he looked at the marketplace.

Song Tian could see a lot of categories, from clothing, electronics, and many stuff. He clicked the farm categories and clicks the animal's icon, and there's another section in it.

Song Tian looked through the marketplace in front of him as he scrolled down the software, he's surprised, "There's even camel too? Why is this on the farm category?" he couldn't help but ask.

Song Yi giggled, "Master, a camel can produce milk. You can buy it on farm product section, or you can just search it on the top right of your desktop," she said.

Song Tian surprised as he didn't know about it, he immediately looked for camel milk, "There's even $1/liter? Is this a scam? I saw the price in the other country is way higher than that," he said.

Song Yi said, "Nah, the Global Marketplace filter the scam and fake product, all the product listed here are 100% legit and safe. You don't have to worry about that, master."

Song Yi continued, "You can see the price range varied from the cheapest to expensive not because the quality of the product, it's because people sell them at their own local prices," she said.

"Local price? Damn, what a great deal," Song Tian said as he's excited, he added the camel milk to his cart and start to browse the other product.