Song Jia

Looking at the phone, Song Tian gritted his teeth as he saw the messages from Wang Hai, which said, "My condolences, brother."

Earlier, he asked Wang Hai to go along with him to distract his elder cousin.

Now Wang Hai is already out of option, Song Tian can't even ask Yoshida Kenji to come along as he's busy to set up his workshop.

After pondering for a while, an idea suddenly struck his mind, and he started to sent a message to Su Wen.

Not long after, Song Tian eyes lit up as Su Wen is free and will come with him to that place.

Two days later, Song Tian already asked Claudia Lawrence to milk his cow in the evening just in case if he's not coming back.

He was glad Claudia Lawrence already had experience in milking cows, so he doesn't need to worry about hiring a temporary worker.

Song Tian wakes up at 3 AM, and his crops has been taken care of. He also put an extra feed on the chicken feeding trough.

Several moments later at the parking lot, Su Wen looked at Song Tian who's looking left and right.

"What are you looking for?" she couldn't help but ask.

Song Tian replied, "I'm looking around just in case there's that demoness trap around. We gotta be careful," he said.

"Hoho, who's that demoness?"

Song Tian suddenly shivered as he heard a woman's voice behind him, just as he tries to escape, his shoulder already gripped hard.

Song Tian turned around as he's smiled bitterly, "Sister Jia, what a coincidence," he said.

The woman who's gripping his shoulder right now had a refined face, long ponytail hair, and her height is almost the same as him.

She's wearing a military outfit with a lot of medals while the black cape is wrapping around her shoulders.

The woman in front of him is his elder cousin, Song Jia.

At the age of 29, she's already the head of Archaine Special Force which is the most elite military force in the country.

Su Wen's surprised at the woman's appeared out of nowhere.

Although the woman is beautiful, Su Wen couldn't help but feel scared as when she sees the woman in front of her, she remembers that same look when Song Tian lost control at the Martial Art Tournament.

Her look could be only described as cold, merciless, and terrifying. It was as if she was looking at the angel of death.

Song Jia chuckled, "Coincidence, huh?" she said which makes Song Tian gulped.

Song Jia glanced at Su Wen, smiled, "Is this your friend? Are you also coming here to train?" she said.

Su Wen fears lessened as she saw Song Jia smiled, "Sister, I'm Su Wen. Song Tian asked me to comes along with him to this event," she said.

Song Jia chuckled, "He brought you here to distract me," she said while looking at Song Tian who's smiled embarrassingly.

Song Jia continued, "Well, it's not bad to be accompanied by a beautiful young woman. Xiao Tian, get your outfit in the locker room and meet me in my office," she said.

Song Tian immediately left quickly as he didn't dare to object whatever his elder cousin said.

Song Jia went to her office with Su Wen.

In the office, Su Wen sat on the couch, and she saw another woman who's wearing a military outfit serve her a tea.

Not long after, Song Tian came to the office and briefs him with the training course.

The purpose of this training is to see if there are any qualified peoples to join the Archaine Special Force.

The training is categorized by order, from stamina, endurance, emotional resiliency, mental toughness, environment adaptability and lastly, combat, which is also to measure the strength of participants.

Song Tian is responsible in the last course of training, which is combat while the other instructors are handling the rest of the training courses.

In just 3 hours, Song Tian already saw a lot of participants leaving and complain that the course was too hard for them.

One of the courses requires them to run around the massive hill near the training area while using a fully armed suit, they had to run circling the hill until the peak.

Passing the hill, participants have to swim in the great lake to reach another checkpoint, and the distance of it was 10km.

The rescue teams were spread around the training area as to prevent an accident, and if there's someone who decides to give up, the team will quickly pick them up.

Song Tian who's standing in the last checkpoint looked at Song Jia who just came with Su Wen, "Sister, where's Grandpa Yang?" he asked.

Song Jia answered, "He's currently had a meeting with the generals," she said.

Song Tian sighed, "Being Field Marshall must be troublesome, huh," he muttered.

Song Jia looked at Su Wen, "Have you think it through? Are you interested in joining? I don't mind to train you from basic," she said.

Song Tian surprised, "What are you talking about?" he couldn't help but ask.

Song Jia chuckled, "I'm trying to recruit her, who knows she might have potential to join my special forces in the future," she said.

Song Tian starting to feel a cold sweat on his back as he can't believe his elder cousin trying to rope Su Wen.

Su Wen smiling apologetically, "Sister Jia, I'm not really interested in military. I only had my interest in cooking," she said.

Song Jia sighed, "Ah, too bad because you had the potential," she said.

Several moments later, only 3 peoples left from several hundreds of participants arrived at the last checkpoint.

One of three participants left is Zhao Tao, he's shocked to see Song Tian is standing in front of his group and wearing an instructor outfit.

Zhao Tao is the only man who survived while the other two is a young woman and woman.

Song Tian looked at the participants left and also surprised to see Zhao Tao also survived the harsh training, "I just need to complete my task, and hopefully she'll let me go," he thought.

"Start to introduce yourself, so we can begin the combat training," he said.

The young woman steps forward, "Amanda Berg," she said.

The woman steps forward, "Sophia Franco," she said.

Zhao Tao also steps forward, "Zhao Tao," he said.

Song Tian nodded, "Alright, before we start the training, is there anything you wants to ask?" he asked.

Sophia Franco asked, "Sir, why is combat the last training course of this event? Why is there no marksmanship courses as it'll be more useful?" she said.

Song Tian smiled, "The marksmanship training will be held in another specialized place," he said.

Song Tian continued, "While the gun is useful, but what happens if you ever ran out of bullet?" he said.

Sophia Franco furrowed her brows, "But we can't just approach an armed enemy empty-handed aren't we?" she said.

Song Tian chuckled, "Of course not, who would be crazy enough to approach an armed enemy empty-handed," he said.

Song Tian continued, "But that doesn't mean you can't counter-attack them. Although it's only effective in the close distance, at least it'll give you a chance to survive," he said.

Sophia Franco still didn't believe it, and Song Tian also notices this.

Song Tian went to pick a gun and toss it to Sophia Franco, which makes her surprised.

"Since all of you guys are almost reaches the middle stage of martial art, it'll be easier for me to just demonstrate it for you," he said.

Zhao Tao and Sophia Franco were puzzled while Amanda Berg nodded calmly.

Song Tian stepped backward, 3 meters away from Sophia Franco, "After you guys reach the middle stage of martial art, your speed will dramatically increase, and your sight will be a lot more sensitive," he said.

Song Tian continued, "The training purpose of this course is to let you guys reach that level," he said.

Song Tian looked at Sophia Franco, "Pull the trigger and try to shot me with all the bullets," he said which makes all of them startled.

Sophia Franco looked at Song Tian who didn't seem to be joking, "Are you crazy?" she said.

Song Tian laughed, "It's fine, just shot me," he said.

Sophia Franco gritted her teeth, she looked at Song Jia, which also nodded at her.

She pulled the trigger and aimed at Song Tian's leg, she started to shot him.

Sophia Franco saw Song Tian body was shifted to the side slightly after she shot him, which makes her startled.

She can't believe there's human in this world who can dodge a bullet at close range, she continues to shot Song Tian.

Several moments later, Sophia Franco and Zhao Tao eyes widened to see there's actually a human who can dodge a bullet.

Song Tian started to explain and teach them patiently about martial art, and he also went to correct their sloppy stances and form.

After making sure three of their form is corrected, Song Tian started to explain the way to breakthrough, which is to push their limits to the point of a near-death experience.

Song Tian brings Zhao Tao first as he didn't believe any supernatural stuff will affect his martial art.

At the rooftop, Zhao Tao startled as he's picked up by Song Tian. He tries to escape, but he can't move his body at all.

Song Tian placed him on his shoulder, smiled, "Brother Tao, today I'll let you experience some extreme bungee jumping," he said.

Zhao Tao face paled, they're at the top of 10 story building.

When he saw Song Tian's smile, he felt like he saw demon was smiling at him.

Zhao Tao also found that he can't speak, which makes him more panic, he even started to felt his neighbor is planning to kill him for real.

Song Tian jumped while Zhao Tao still on his shoulder, he already tap some pressure point on Zhao Tao so he can't move, speak and closes his eyes.

Zhao Tao head was facing downward, Amanda Berg and Shopia Franco were shocked to see them from below.

"It's like piledriver in that popular wrestling show," they exclaimed.

Su Wen looked calm, but her heart was in turmoil to see her friend doing such a reckless thing.

If it were not for Song Jia stopping her, Su Wen would already try to stop Song Tian.

In midair, Zhao Tao felt the times slowed down several times.

He tried his best to close his eyes, but he found out his eyes didn't even listen to his brain.

Zhao Tao started to remember his first time meeting with his wife and his wife smile when she's successfully giving birth to Zhao Kai.

Zhao Tao gritted his teeth as he can't let his wife take care of their son alone, he didn't realize as his will to live is dramatically increased.

Looking at the trees in his sight, Zhao Tao already knew they almost reach the ground.

Zhao Tao suddenly felt an indescribable feeling swirling around his body, he though his soul is starting to leave his body.

Song Tian notices Zhao Tao qi is already unlocked and he started to focus more qi on his leg for a soft landing.

As he landed to the ground, Song Tian smiled, "Congratulations, you can already feel the qi and soon will breakthrough to the middle stage of martial art," he said as he taps Zhao Tao's pressure points after putting him to the ground.

Zhao Tao sat on the ground with cold sweat all over his body, he can't believe what he just experienced earlier, and he also shocked to find they're safe after jumping from the high building.

Zhao Tao looked at Song Tian, "Who are you?" he couldn't help but ask.

Song Tian laughed, "I'm your neighbor, Song Tian the Farmer," he said.

Song Tian continued, "I know all of this stuff cannot be explained through common sense, but it just how it is. Deal with it," he said which makes all three participants speechless.

After successfully making three participants breakthrough to the middle stage of martial art, Song Tian found out Amanda Berg is the granddaughter of Robert Berg.

Amanda Berg is the only participant who didn't require to jump through the high building to breakthrough to the middle stage as she can already felt the qi inside her body after Song Tian explained the qi to them earlier.

Song Tian looked at them, "Alright, your training is finished. After this, you guys can report to higher up if you want to apply to Archaine Special Force as you already reach the basic requirement of it," he said.

Amanda Berg and Sophia France applied while Zhao Tao chooses to stay as police.

Looking at all the participants already left, Song Jia glanced at Song Tian, "You're way too soft, you should've just thrown them up and catch them before they reach the ground to save time," she said.

Song Tian smiled bitterly, "I'm just trying to prevent them from having a trauma," he said.

Song Jia snorted, "What trauma? It's more like their mental fortitude will strengthen more," she said.

Song Jia continued, "Look at you, if it were not for Aunty Mei, I would've makes your mental fortitude and emotion control stronger than this," she said.

Song Tian remembered back when he's seven years old, Song Jia at the age of eighteen is drilling him some mad training courses for him as she's his babysitter back then.

One of them was throwing him to the lake full of unknown creatures lurking around the water to force him to learn to swim and other more dangerous stuff which makes him shivered.

When Zhu Mei found out Song Jia trains her son in such a way, she was so mad and almost killed Song Jia if it were not stopped by her husband.

However, Zhu Mei rages still haven't calmed down, later in the night, she went all the way to Song Jia's place, she broke both of Song Jia's legs and burned down her apartment to vent her anger.

Song Yang and Song Jia's parents only shook their head as they can't do anything about it as it was an internal affair, and later, Song Jia's legs recovered by Song Lian's treatment.

As time goes, the relationship between Zhu Mei and Song Jia started to revert back to normal.

However, Song Jia started to hold back with her way of training Song Tian because she's terrified to incur the wrath of Zhu Mei.

Song Jia looked at Song Tian, smiled, "Now Aunty Mei is at the cultivation world, it's time to bring you back in shape," she said.

Song Tian face changed, just as he was about to make excuses, he saw thunder striking Song Jia.

If Song Jia were to react slowly, the thunder would already strike her, she saw a paper on the ground where the thunder strike earlier landed.

She took the paper and read the stuff inside it.

"Xiao Jia, you're naive if you think I can't watch over my son while cultivating here. If I see you put some of your crazy ideas about training my son again, believe me, even if your parents and grandparents protect your little life, I still have lot of ways to makes you regret being born in this world."

Song Jia face paled after reading the letter, she didn't expect Zhu Mei still can watch her while at the cultivation world.

She immediately canceled her plan to train her little cousin.