
While still in surprise, Song Tian looked at the tree with a carved smiley face em*ji in front of him.

The tree has a big trunk, which wide enough that it makes Song Tian felt his truck's length might be shorter than that.

While it has a lot of thick branches, it didn't spread as far as the other trees.

Song Tian asked, "What kind of tree are you? Do you have a name?" he said.

The tree answered, "I don't know how to classify myself. Sometimes, a weird plant grows itself on one of my branches," she said.

The tree continued, "When Faust created me, he told me that my name is Sindria," she said.

Song Tian puzzled, "Weird plant?" he said.

Then, Song Tian tilted his head slightly as he felt someone is throwing an object at him from behind.

Song Tian caught the object with his hand, and it's a sharp wooden nail. It's like a big version of a toothpick.

Song Tian turned around and didn't see anyone, which makes him confused.

Sindria, the tree, suddenly spoke, "Alright, stop playing around with my guest," she said.

Then, Song Tian saw something is coming out from the ground.

Not long after, Song Tian saw a huge white flower which similar to lily appeared in front of him.

Song Tian notices a small blue tube in the center of the flower, which makes his eyes lit up, "Is this thing coming out from that tube?" he said.

Sindria answered, "Yes, it's coming out from that tube," she said.

Sindria continued, "That plant is the one I'm talking about, it grows itself from one of my branches," she said.

Song Tian asked, "Can this flower also talk like you?" he said.

Sindria answered, "No, but I can still understand what the flower wants and needs," she said.

Song Tian couldn't help but excited as he planned to create a turret kind of plant from the survival game he played.

He didn't expect there's a real thing in front of him.

Song Tian asked, "You said your creator is called Faust, right? Do you know what method he used to create you?" he said.

Sindria shook her body, which makes the leaves on her body started to shakes. "I have no idea," she said.

Song Tian pondered, "I really need to find out who's your creator, so I can learn from him," he said.

Song Yi suddenly spoke, "Master, that's my dad's name. Faust Xenaemon," she said.

Song Tian surprised, "Your dad? Then, can you ask your dad to teach me?" he asked.

Song Yi answered, "My dad said if you want to learn, come to Celestial Spirit Universe," she said.

Song Yi continued, "But he said only if your strength already reaches at least Mythic rank," she said.

Song Tian furrowed his brows, "Mythic? Can I just learn it with my current strength?" he couldn't help but ask.

Song Yi chuckled, "Your mana isn't enough to perform this level of technique, that's what my dad told me," she said.

Song Yi continued, "It requires at least 500.000 mana if you want to create that kind of tree or plant," she said.

Song Tian sighed, "It seems it will be long before I can learn this," he said.

Song Tian looked at Sindria, "So, what are you doing in this place? Why don't you follow Uncle Faust to his world?" he asked.

Sindria surprised when Song Tian suddenly called her creator uncle. "Are you his nephew?" she asked.

Song Tian answered, "Not really a nephew, but his daughter is like my sister," he said.

Sindria replied, "I didn't expect to meet his daughter's acquaintance here," she said.

"I remember that lass used to always climb and swing on my branches."

"To answer your question, I simply don't wanna leave."

"Faust told me if I want to follow him, he needs to change my appearance into something."

"Because if I keep this appearance, it might raise the question from someone in his world which has the same appearance as me."

"I don't want to change my appearance just because of that. I love my body, so I choose to stay in this place."

Song Tian asked in his mind, "Xiao Yi, who is that person who has the same appearance as her?" he said.

Song Yi answered, "There's a guardian tree made by my ancestor, we called him Elder Tree. Though his size is much bigger than Sindria," she said.

Song Yi continued, "Elder Tree's size is even bigger than skyscraper on Earth. It lives as one of the protectors in my world," she said.

Song Tian surprised. He can't imagine how big the tree if it's bigger than skyscraper in his world.

Song Tian looked at the tree, which is currently playing with the flower who shot him earlier.

Song Tian couldn't help but feel bad at Sindria, alone in this place, with no one to talk with.

"Master, why don't you bring her to your farm? My dad told me you can take her if you want," Song Yi said.

Song Tian surprised, "Can I? How do I even move her? I don't know what to feed her with," he said.

Song Yi answered, "You can just use [Transplant] ability because my dad already allowed you. You can move her into your dimensional room after that," she said.

"After you're on Earth, then you can move her out."

"She only needs a light for her to photosynthesize. As for the water, her root can extend greatly by itself to reach the groundwater or any water source."

Song Tian nodded, he looked at Sindria, "Sindria, do you want to come with me? Maybe in the future, you'll help me to create one of your kind," he asked.

Sindria smiley face immediately changed to astonished face, "Come with you?" she said.

Sindria continued, "You want to create something similar to me? How are you going to do that? I don't even know the method about it," she said.

She didn't expect the young man she just met suddenly asked her to follow him.

Song Tian nodded, "Yes," he said.

Song Tian continued, "About creating your kind, we'll see it in the future," he said as he needs to reach his mastery for the law of creation to 10% first.

Currently, his mastery of the law of creation is 4%.

Sindria hesitantly asked, "Do you also want me to change my appearance?" she said.

Song Tian laughed, "Of course not, you can keep your current appearance as a tree," he said.

Song Tian continued, "In my place, you will have a lot of people to talk with," he said.

Sindria asked, "Can this flower also come with me? Even though it's weird, I still consider it as my child," she said.

Song Tian nodded, "Yes, you can also bring him with you," he said.

Sindria's face returned to smiled face, "Alright," she said.

After she said that, the flower who plays with one of Sindria's branches, suddenly transformed into a ball of light.

The ball of light floated towards Sindria's other branch and transformed into a triangle-shaped fruit.

Since there's no interesting stuff inside the farm division area for him to inherit, Song Tian moves Sindria using his [Transplant] ability to his dimensional room.

In the dimensional room, Song Tian notices Sindria seems to be interested in his spiritual crop.

Song Tian asked, "Are you interested in those plants?" he said.

Sindria answered, "I don't know, but I suddenly want to eat the fruit on it," she said.

Song Tian surprised, he took the already harvested spiritual crop and handed it to Sindria.

Song Tian asked, "Can tree even eat like us?" he thought.

Then, Song Tian saw the smiley face on Sindria suddenly opened its mouth.

"Wow, it's so delicious!" Sindria said after she ate the fruit from Song Tian's spiritual crop.

Song Tian laughed, "It's my first time to see a tree eat something. Let me take more fruits for you," he said.

Sindria replied, "No, I'm already full. I feel like I can live without eating for a month. Thank you," she said.

Sindria continued, "It feels so good, I need to sleep for a bit, wake me up after we're in your world," she said as the smiley face immediately changed to yawning face.

The yawning face then changed into the sleeping face, including the [Zzz] on it.

Looking at the tree, Song Tian couldn't help but laugh. After stepping outside of his dimensional room, his communication device vibrated.

After answering the call, Su Wen's face could be seen, "Where are you?" she asked.

Song Tian answered, "I'm on the fourth floor. Is the test going well?" he said.

Su Wen smiled, "Yeah, I already joined the cooking division," she said.

After talking for a little bit, the call ended. Song Tian and Su Wen decided to meet up on the first floor of the headquarter.

Sat on the chair, Song Tian asked, "How is it? Did you got a mission or something like that after joining the division?" he said.

Su Wen answered, "No, each division will have a group mission each week. But they've already completed the mission earlier," she said.

Su Wen continued, "When I ask, they told me the mission earlier is to help cooking for the festival being held at Planet L-22," she said.

Song Tian surprised, "Wow, they even do some interplanetary mission, huh," he said.

Su Wen nodded, "Exactly!" she said.

Su Wen continued, "What about you? Did you join any division? Is there any farming division in this guild?" she asked.

After Song Tian told her about the farming division, Su Wen couldn't help but surprised.

She didn't expect Su Shu's father is used to be the leader of the farming division.

Su Wen pondered, "If it was the case, why don't you try to revive the division?" she said.

Song Tian shook his head, "Me? Nope. I'd rather wait until someone tried to revive it, then I'll join the farming division," he said.

Song Tian continued, "He might be suitable to lead the farming division," he said.

Su Wen puzzled, "Who?" she asked.

Song Tian answered, "Alvis, I don't know where he is. My master only told me that we're going to meet soon," he said.

Su Wen suddenly remembered an old man who refused to give her the mysterious mushroom in the Trisia Cave.

After talking for a while, Su Wen looked at her phone, and it's already 5 PM on Earth.

Arrived back on Earth, Su Wen left as she needs to rest, and Song Tian went to milk his cows.

On the dimensional room, Song Tian went to wake Sindria but surprised to find there's a significant change on the tree.