Space and Dimension's Manipulator Absolute Version



Song Tian kneeled as he's felt unbearable pain on his head. He felt something is drilling his head.

Song Tian tapped his own body several times, blocking the pain with the meridian sealing technique, but he still feels the pain.

With his blurry vision, Song Tian saw something similar to a chair and slowly dragging his body towards it.

Sat on the chair, the pain Song Tian feels on his head miraculously disappeared. Now he can see clearly around him.

In front of Song Tian, there's another chair, surrounded by a dashboard filled with many buttons.

Aside from that, there's nothing else in the room, which makes him disappointed.


Song Yi's voice suddenly rang in Song Tian's mind.

"Where are you? I have to ask my master, Goddess of Time, to connect us through," Song Yi said.

Song Tian forced a smile, "I don't even know where I am right now," he said.

Song Tian continued, "I seem to be inside some sort of dimensional room left by my ancestor, I don't know how to get out from here," he said.

Song Yi replied, "Master, take a closer look on the dashboard," she said.

Song Tian stood up and went to another chair in front of him.

"Ugh, it's really complicated, wait for me to call Zelip," Song Yi said.

Not long after, Song Yi spoke again, "Master, put your palm on that small screen," she said.

Song Tian looked at the small screen on the board, he put his palm, waiting for something happened.

After waiting for one minute, Song Tian shook his head, "It's not working," he said.

Song Yi asked, "When you enter the sealed gate, you used the law of creation, right? Try to use it on that," she said.

Song Tian nodded, this time, he uses his law of creation and put his palm on the small screen.

Suddenly, the plain wall in front of Song Tian rippled like water, then it's slowly changed into a window.

Song Tian looked around and saw his farm from above. He found out he's currently on top of his cabin.

"Drip your blood on the screen."

A cold woman's voice suddenly could be heard, which makes Song Tian surprised. "Xiao Yi, is it another celestial spirit?" he asked.

Song Yi answered, "No, I don't detect any celestial spirit around," she said.

"Drip your blood on the screen," the woman's voice could be heard again.

Song Tian asked, "Who are you?" he said.

"Drip your blood on the screen," the woman said.

Song Tian sighed, he cuts his finger and dripped his blood on the small screen.

"Bloodlines are verified."

"Celestial spirit detected."

"Starting to update the information vault."

Hearing what the woman said, Song Tian asked, "Xiao Yi, she can detect you," he said through his mind.

But Song Yi didn't reply to him.

The woman spoke, "Young master, Song Yi is currently updating the information vault. She will be available in ten minutes," she said.

Song Tian nodded, "Young master? Who are you?" he asked.

The woman replied, "You're Celestial Emperor and Empress's descendant, it's natural for me to call you that," she said.

The woman continued, "I'm this dimension's entity, created by Celestial Emperor," she said.

Song Tian pondered, "Is it The Founder and his wife? Do you have a name?" he asked.

The woman answered, "No, The Founder or Little Song is their son," she said.

The woman continued, "I have a name, but it's too long," she said.

Song Tian nodded, "It's fine, what's your name?" he said.

The woman answered, "My name is Song's Creation: Space and Dimension's Manipulator Absolute Version Final Release for the X-50 Series," she said.

Song Tian's mouth twitched, "I'll just call you Space Manipulator or Dimension Manipulator," he said.

Space Manipulator replied, "As you wish, young master," she said.

Song Tian asked, "So, can you tell me about my ancestors?" he said.

Since he never heard and know the identity of his ancestors, Song Tian is naturally curious about them.

Space Manipulator answered, "I can't really answer you in detail, but I will tell you all I know," she said as she started to explain.

"Celestial Emperor's name is Song, and Celestial Empress's name is Vaeri."

"Song is the first ancient being ever created by Goddess of Creation with her own image. He's the oldest and the first celestial human."

"Vaeri is the second ancient being, created by Goddess of Creation with the image of her little brother, God of Destruction. She's the oldest and the first celestial demon."

"Young master, that's all the information I can tell."

Song Tian puzzled, "Celestial human and celestial demon? Is it any different than any normal human or demon?" he said.

Space Manipulator answered, "Celestial human is created way long before the first couple of mortal humans descends to the world," she said.

"That case is also similar to the celestial demon."

"Mortal human or demon didn't have any relation with their celestials counterparts."

Song Tian surprised. Now he knows the reason why the Goddess of Creation and God of Destruction make him their disciple.

Turned out, he's descendant of ancient beings.

But Song Tian wondered why he's the one, not his other relatives.

There are so many questions he wants to ask, but Song Tian needs to figure out his current situation first.

Song Tian asked, "Why are you sealed by my ancestor? How do I get out of this place?" he said.

Space Manipulator answered, "I'm sealed by Celestial Emperor because he wants to left me to his descendant," she said.

"The reason you can enter this place is that you have the purest bloodlines from both Celestial Emperor and Empress."

"Among their descendants, only Little Song has this purity from both of their bloodlines."

"Celestial Emperor left me in this place is because he knows his descendant will eventually enter this place."

"Celestial Emperor is hoping that his descendant also has the same ambition as him, so he can pass his throne."

"Unfortunately, your ambition seems to be different."

"But don't worry, Celestial Emperor creates me so I'll be compatible with any occupation his descendant chooses."

"Your celestial spirit is almost wake up, I will integrate with her, and Song Yi will tell my function later on."

Amongst the sudden information, Song Tian surprised with the last part.

"You can't talk after integrates with Xiao Yi?" Song Tian couldn't help but ask.

Space Manipulator answered, "I can, but it's way easier for Song Yi to talk on my behalf," she said.

Song Tian's mouth twitched, he thought Space Manipulator would disappear completely. Turns out, she's lazy to talk.

Song Tian asked, "Before you integrate, do you have any idea about the seal in my body? Do you know any technique related to it?" he said.

Space Manipulator answered, "Celestial Emperor just now told me that you have to figure out yourself," she said.

Song Tian snorted, "How did he even expect me to learn if I don't even know what's the seal about?" he said.

Space Manipulator replied, "Celestial Emperor told me that you have to master the law of creation and destruction first," she said.

Space Manipulator continued, "Also, there's something else he told me. But I'm not sure if I should tell you about it, because it's not really a formal language," she said.

Song Tian asked, "What?" he said.

Space Manipulator answered, "Git gud," she said.

Song Tian, "..."

Not long after, ripples formed in the air, revealing a figure of a blue humanoid woman.

Golden veins could be seen spread around its body.

Looking at the blue humanoid, Song Tian feels it's really similar to his unbreakable mannequin given by his master.

The only differences are the blue humanoid has a female figure and has a face.

The blue humanoid bowed, "Greetings, young master. I'm Song's Creation: Space and Dimension's Manipulator Absolute Version Final Release for the X-50 Series," she said.

Song Tian asked, "So you've already integrated with Xiao Yi?" he said.

Space Manipulator nodded, "Yes, she's still digesting the information. So I'll be the one who's going to explain my function," she said as she sat on the front chair with the dashboard.

Space Manipulator asked, "Young master, are you sure you don't want to change profession?" she said.

Space Manipulator continued, "If you are, you will inherit his throne in the future," she said.

Song Tian shook his head, "Throne? No, I'm fine staying as a farmer," he said.

Space Manipulator nodded, "Alright, now I'll explain about my function," she said.

Celestial Emperor made Space Manipulator for his descendant to easily teleport to some places prepared by him.

Those places are empty lands located in several regions without a ruler.

Celestial Emperor hopes his descendant will work his way into power and becomes the absolute ruler of it.

Since Song Tian's profession is a farmer, Space Manipulator changed the location to somewhere more suitable for Song Tian's job.

Space Manipulator spoke, "Young master, open your panel, and you can select any location to start your new farm," she said.

Space Manipulator continued, "For now, you can only choose one," she said.

Song Tian looked at his panel and saw a lot of lists, he can sort the place he wants by filtering the universe, galaxy, and planet.

As he looked through the list, Song Tian saw a cultivation world, which makes him surprised.

"Cultivation world? I can meet with my parents, but I'm not strong enough to set my foot in that world," Song Tian muttered.

Space Manipulator answered, "Don't worry, with me, you'll be safe. Just choose it if you want to start in that place," she said.

Song Tian pondered for a while then decided to tap the [Cultivation World].

Space Manipulator spoke, "Alright, I'll return your soul to your body," she said.

Space Manipulator continued, "Song Yi already wake up, she will explain more detailed things for you," she said as she clicked her fingers.

Song Tian suddenly can't see anything, "Ugh, what's happening? Ah, I need to open my eyes," he muttered.

When he's in Space Manipulator's dimension, Song Tian's soul is still opening his eyes, but his real body is different.

Even though Song Tian already experienced that when get called by his master, he's still never used to such a weird transition.