A Little Treat

Celestia spun her head around only to see Professor Vic and a beautiful woman next to her. She was wearing a tightly laced shirt as her golden locks were let loose. Celestia was completely aware that one of them have known that they were Nightwalker.

"Celestia, calm down," Luna stood on her tippy toes, she knew that Celestia would be hostile towards the name 'Nightwalker' since it had a bloody history.

"Congratulation for your victory on advancing to the next round, Celestia," spoke the woman next to Professor Vic.

If it wasn't for the way the woman addressed Celestia, she might have thought that it was a rich student. But she wasn't, Celestia was on full alert on any suspicion.

"I am deeply sorry if we offend you, Celestia," Professor Vic bowed down but only her head. "However, I wanted to give you a little treat to celebrate your victory."

"A treat?" Luna spoke first before Celestia could say something protective.

"Yes, we wanted to ask a few questions over dinner," the woman chatted.

Celestia sighed deeply, she was annoyed, tired, and filthy as she just got back from the first round of the tournament. She turned her back from the group as she started to head back into the main building, she had no intention in having dinner was a professor and a stranger.

"Celestia wait!" Luna acted quickly as she noticed that Celestia didn't want to talk nor did she want to take up the offer of dinner.

She grabbed Celestia's tail before she realized it was a mistake to do so. With the current mood energy that Celestia was in, she might have just slapped her sister but she didn't.

Celestia only turned around to see Luna shivering, expecting to get hit: "Luna, just give me a few so I can change. I just need to clean myself."

All three of them were stunned, Celestia was being cold-hearted at first but now she decides to join them for dinner. Luna sighed a relief as she knew that Celestia isn't always this way, maybe it's because she's really is tired.

'Our techniques tend to put a toll on our body,' Luna thought to herself although she doesn't practice her family's unique history, she still keeps in mind that there are some things that are possible and there are some that are not.

--- ---

"No way, she actually did that?!" Professor Vic was laughing so hard that there were tears of joy flowing out. She couldn't believe that Celestia would actually be so funny.

"Yeah, so it was actually really weird," Celestia replied while holding a chicken leg in the air. "She was all like 'Don't worry, I shall protect you' acting all high and mighty when she trips over a rock and falls."

The whole table burst in laughter as they enjoyed their time with each other, telling each other funny stories that happened in their life.

It was surprising to Luna ho she could see a smile, a smile that almost rarely be seen on Celestia. She really did have a soft spot for her, she couldn't help but stare at her sister. One day, Luna will make Celestia hers but that's only when she finally confesses her feelings.

Professor Vic and Leviathan were rocking each other around as they both started to have a shot challenge. Luckily, Celestia stopped them before they could get majorly drunk.

"Levy, ah let's give these two girls a pass, I think..." Professor Vic hiccups heavily, she was sitting next to Leviathan before she closed her eyes and leaned against Leviathan's shoulder.

"Geez, I should pay the bill before I lose my mind," Leviathan spoke, her voice didn't sound drunk but it did have a hint of drunkenness to it.

Leviathan quickly paid the check, which was well over one hundred credits, but to her, it seems so little to her.

Celestia looked at Luna then back Leviathan, for some reason, she had a weird image of them both being the same person. She shook her head before coming back to reality.

"Hey Leviathan, tell Professor Vic I said thanks," Celestia stopped Leviathan before she got out of her seat, she knew she might have to pay Professor Vic a favor but she didn't care.

"Say Sis, what do know about the next round of the tournament?" Luna asked she didn't know why she asked such an unrelated topic but she felt as if there was something missing.

"I'm not sure, all they said was it was gonna be a little treat," Celestia replied as she stood up from the polished dark oak chair was a wool patting to it.

Luna went dark for a bit, she has a feeling that this tournament isn't normal. It's like a test, a test to see who can survive? No, not survive...kill.

A test to see who can kill. What a creepy thought and scary tournament.