The Death of Celestia Nightwalker

Celestia looked around, her body paralyzed by a poison strong enough to kill mortals in seconds. She could hear commands and shout echoing through her ears, she knew she would be back here sooner or later.

"Fenrir, are you okay?" a female Fanus kneeled down, she was covered in mud but even so, her beauty was undeniable. Her clothing was tattered, holes and bloodstain spread.

Celestia wanted to say something different, but she knew it was pointless. There was no reason for editing her own memory: "Run, leave me."

"I can't, they're gonna capture you so whether you tell me to or not I'm bringing you home," the Fanus spoke, she hovered her hands which glowed brightly with a dark red aura surrounding it and placed it on Celestia's deepest wound.

"There's no point, Celestia," Celestia said, she knew who this mysterious Fanus was. It was the person that she has gotten killed, Celestia Nightwalker and her. The monstrous Fenrir.

Celestia started to shake, her body was already injured and she needed to rest. Fenrir tilted her head towards Celestia, she already knew what she was gonna say.

"It's not working, why is it not working?!" Celestia started to panic, fear was seen in her silver eyes. Like darkness creping to the light.

"Don't try..." Fenrir started to cough, dark blue blood ran down the side of her mouth. "It's not lethal to me, run while you can."

Celestia shook her head, she couldn't leave her, she wouldn't leave her. She needed to save Fenrir or else she wouldn't have the same life that she loved.

Fenrir looked at Celestia's silver eyes, those orbs of the moon. If she could have one thing in her life, it would be those eyes. They were her everything and yet, she couldn't even enjoy them at her weakest moment.


Just one sound echoed throughout Fenrir's ears and next she felt a body, warm and soft but cold. Fenrir looked in horror at what happened. Celestia, a girl who wanted adventures, died by the only person that would protect her.

Such lies.

Fenrir's body started to shake, her mind going into a state of killing, her real form.

Heavy footsteps started to spread around Fenrir as every single one of them held their modified poison rifles, one thing can be sure.

These killers will die.

"Haha, seeing such a murderous monster lying on the grass where million have died," echoed a voice. The commander taunting her.


"What right do you have to laugh?!" a hard kick rammed into Fenrir's side, blood spat out of her mouth.

"That serves you ri..." the commander collapsed to the ground. The surrounding mercenaries were stunned, they didn't think that such a mercenary that spread his fear to every continent could just die.

"Don't. Fuck. With. Me," Fenrir pushed Celestia off of her and pushed herself up. She looked into Celestia's eyes and felt her entire heart being torn. She was her everything and now it was all shot, all to hell.

Fenrir looked at her surround, she was still in her forest. There were at least ten, all wearing abyssal color armor, guess they thought that human technology would actually affect her. Pathetic.

She lifted her right hand and changed it into a finger gun and pointed it to one of them: "Bang."

Just like that, the merc was dead as if the armor did nothing but act like regular clothing. With one movement, she was able to kill him. She didn't stop, she continued and with each movement appeared holes where Fenrir was aiming at.

They break her heart, she breaks theirs. Karma always finds its debt.