Blue Flame Forger

Celestia came back to the main building only to see maintenance around the place, she sighed in annoyance but soon she found Luna's sleeping bag. She laid down the soundless Luna in her bag. She quickly changed into some light clothing and dampened her hair, she just wants to feel calm. She was just about to leave the building before she was interrupted by a soldier who was carrying a package.

"Excuse me miss but I believe this is for you," the soldier spoke, from the looks of the soldier. It was a male who sounded in his twenties to thirties. His armor was different from the normal color, it was still pure white but instead of red streaks, there was a bright gold to them. Was he part of a rich family?

"What is it?" Celestia inquired, she didn't remember ordering a package.

"They're bracelets, Moonless Celica, I believe is the name," the package person said.

Celestia then remembered that she needs to find a weapon that retained to her strength so she asked Luna to find a pair of gauntlets that could be customized by the user easily.

"Oh, now I remember," Celestia bobbed her head up and down before she took the package. "Thank you."

"Just doing my job," the package person spoke before heading towards a doorway that was all the way back into the main building.

Celestia went out alone as she found a bench for her to sit down and open her package. She was extremely surprised that Luna was able such high-quality bracelets. They were coated in a dark ruby color while the insides were smooth yet easily about to grip onto them. She noticed that there was a silver barrel that was wide for a shotgun shell to fit through, the barrel was not extruded and there seemed to be layers of the barrel. Celestia was curious and observed the weapon, she saw a shell casing wrapped around the bracelet. She wondered what this creation was.

'How did she find these?' Celestia thought to herself, just from looking at them, she could tell that whoever made these were definitely a master at arms.

She tried them and shockingly she was able to fit her petite wrist around them, they felt nice and weightless yet she could feel something off. She took them off, her eyes dilated back and saw that there were compressed light particles contained inside of the bracelets.

Celestia's curiosity peeked and she made her eyes dilate even more to get a better scan of the bracelets. She was in awe as she figured out why they were in a bracelet form. They were actually gauntlets that could be changed. Celestia looked back into the package that the gauntlets came in and took a look at the manual.

There was a piece of paper written on an ancient paper that is rarely seen and could be sold for millions of Credit. There was a letter or a warning by the creator.

"Dear Celestia,

If you're reading this. Thank you for buying my masterwork, I rarely do request customizable weapons but you. You have such an imagination that impressed me. I like to say that this is my greatest creation and if you ever want any other weapons, I'm always open to you. Anyways, if you can tell, there are compressed light particles inside of these gauntlets. I wanted to make some sort of safety mechanism that can protect you if you're in a sticky situation but I understand if you don't want it then just simply press down on the blue flame engraved in it and it should deactivate the safety. Now, there are some shotgun shells, now don't mistake these shells to contain regular pellets. No, these shells are made with the Alpha's Dust company. Of course, these are also customizable too as there about thirty or more other dust. I would also like to say that these are the first weapon that is like yours in the world, so do me a favor. Don't tell who made them. I'll let you figure out how to make my bracelets into the gauntlet you want.

Sincerely, The Blue Flame Forger."

Celestia finished reading the letter and she found it quite interesting, she needed to ask Luna how she was able to find such an astounding forger. Then she realized that the forger didn't leave his name but instead his forger name.

'Who are you Blue Flame Forger,' Celestia pondered to herself, she would really enjoy meeting this forger and asking him questions about his forge techniques and material that he uses.