Demon VS Wolf

"And our next match is Zane and Aaron Hawthrone versus Celestia Nightwalker!" Celestia could hear the announcer's voice echoing inside the waiting room.

Celestia still couldn't wrap her head around why the HeadMaster would make an unfair decision for both sides. She still couldn't figure out how to change her bracelets and now she has to fight with her fists unless her idea actually works in which she had very little hope.

Celestia slightly shook her head before heading out on to the arena field, it was much more different than it was the last time. There were four sides to a somewhat heightened cylinder.

Fire, water, rocks, and a forest.

Celestia looked around the stadium to find Luna but she couldn't, maybe she might be somewhere at the moment. She set her eyes back on the arena where she saw Zane and Aaron flexing their bodies.

Celestia on the other side was simply crossing her arms over each other, she was stretching her muscles and making it easy for her blood to easily flow. She took a deep breath before she begins her way to the arena, she was on the directly diagonal to Zane and Aaron, her side being on the earthside. She was ready to fight, she knew that it would be a bit harder for her to take on two at once but she believes that she would win.

"Alright, rules are simple. Knock your opponent out," the announcer's voice spoke, their voice was very ecstatic. They can't wait for who would win.

Both sides nodded.

Zane and Aaron immediately rushed Celestia, making it harder for her to decide which to strike. However, what they didn't expect was for Celestia to slam her fist on the ground, sending a massive force underneath the hard solid rocks, breaking them up and sending them up to the ground.

They immediately went separate ways to flank Celestia's side, it may be considered cheating but they have their way of communication without actually talking. Zane quickly summoned a weapon of demonic power, a double-sided sword that emitted a dark aura. Aaron, on the other hand, summoned two submachine guns, their magazine size of thirty-forty and had a very tight spread.

Aaron quickly started firing both of his SMGs before Zane could get close to Celestia. Celestia smirked before her eyes dilated back. To her, every motion slowed down by fifty percent and her sense increased by fifty percent.

Celestia quickly dodges Aaron's barrage of bullets, she realized that when she tried to back away that she was stuck behind a rock wall. Well, ain't that convenient.

She clenched her fist and raised them in front of her, her dark ruby bracelets started to change. A whirring sound emitted from the gauntlets before they covered her knuckle and forearm.

Celestia was quite shocked that she didn't even need to need to transfer some of her energy to the gauntlets. She lightly smiled before she threw her fist in the air directly at Aaron.


A bright red spark shot out of Celestia's right gauntlet, its velocity was even faster than a normal bullet. The spark hit Aaron's chest causing a small explosion before knocking him down to the hard rock ground. Celestia quickly scanned around before moving toward the forest side of the arena, she hid from the two brothers.

What she didn't expect was Zane to appear right in front of her with a double-sided sword, he swung his sword and made contact with Celestia's forearm. She was lucky that these gauntlets covered her forearm or else she would have lost her arm.

Celestia acted quickly, she pushed against Zane's sword and almost looked as if she parried him. She then quickly side-kicked Zane's legs, forcing him to fall to the ground. She quickly rammed her fist into his stomach causing him to spit out blood and knocking him out in the process.

"Incredible performance from Celestia!" the announcer's voice boomed.

'It's not over,' Celestia said to herself, she spun herself towards Aaron's location.

He was standing tall and with a pitch-black aura, his eyes glowing red with a faded demon mark on his forehead, slightly more toward the left. Not that but there seem to be multiple versions of him, like clones.

Celestia, locked and load, was ready to be fighting against a demon. Although she has friended a lot of demons, Aaron seems to be different than most. She moved away from Zane's unconscious body and started circling Aaron's clones.

A fight between a demon and a wolf.