Poor Kitty

Professor Vic was preparing for leave for the arena match that was scheduled today when she realized that Leviathan wasn't anywhere to be seen. She started to look around her office to find the missing Leviathan before she started to hear tears nearby her office closet? She walked towards the door and she could hear Leviathan's voice whimpering. Professor Vic tried to turn the knob on the door but it was locked.

'Why would you lock yourself away from me?'

Professor Vic quickly unlocked the door and saw Leviathan in a small corner with her knees close up and her arms wrapped around them. She could hear Leviathan crying, her voice was quiet yet in pain. Professor Vic ran over and knelt beside Leviathan and held her close.

"What happened, baby? Tell me," Professor Vic said as she held Leviathan close, she could feel the tears of her baby. She felt hopeless, what caused Leviathan to suddenly break down?

"I...I tried to...blackmail Celestia," Leviathan spoke, her voice was all aired out. She didn't know how long she was crying and she didn't care. There was a war inside herself, she couldn't stand being alone in the mess that she made.

"Why would you..." Professor Vic didn't finish her sentence before realizing something. "Did you ask her to tell you about the resurrection spell?!"

Leviathan only nodded and didn't speak, her eyes were starting to dry up and she couldn't cry anymore. She was so foolish, so selfish to think that she could simply blackmail Celestia. She tried to move away from Professor Vic's grip but she couldn't.

"Leviathan, why?" Professor Vic asked as she had a feeling why Leviathan would try to ask Celestia for information but why threaten her?

"Because...I wanted you to be happy again," Leviathan said quietly. She could see almost every day the sadness in Professor Vic's eyes. She just wishes to see the smile that her love once made.

"You know, that's..."

"Not what you should have done, Leviathan Nork," a voice interrupted Professor Vic.

Professor Vic looked up to see someone leaning against the closet door wearing a cloak, it was the same cloak the Neo made for the past Celestia. From looking at the person's body, they were a female. Wait, was this Neo?

"Hello there, Professor," Neo said, she removed her the hood of her cloak. Her pink and white hair glimmering from the sun's light. "I see that Fenrir made you cry, Leviathan."

"Y-Yeah," Leviathan stammered, she looked up to Neo with her reddened eyes and dried-up tears. "Is she...always harsh? And...wise?"

Neo smirked only to reveal that Celestia isn't a harsh or wise person. Just a person who's able to understand Fanus and humans with ease. She was never smart, she was good at handling situations.

"She isn't a person that you want to mess with," Neo said, she pulled her hood back up and started to walk out. "But to be honest, she is terrible at a social life. Get her at a stage and she starts quivering like a little puppy, it's cute."

Just like that, Neo left Professor Vic's office closet and building. Professor Vic started to think of her past lover, she was the same before she was exiled. She took a deep breath and helped Leviathan up, she gave her a small kiss on the lips before helping her back on her feet.

Leviathan smiled, she could never understand Professor Vic's philosophy. She was always trying to give Professor Vic the best of the best but every time, she kept getting rejected. Leviathan felt a small bit of warmth in her heart and started to smile even brighter.

"That's a good kitty," Professor Vic said before rubbing Leviathan's head revealing two pitch-black cat ears.
