Game Launch

The days flew by, and soon a week had passed. It was time for the game to launch. The promotion had been done well, there were more than a million followers on their social media platform, and even Xie Jingyu had forwarded their posts, making it reach an even bigger audience.

No one knew why the famous Xie Jingyu would help promote such a small company's new game, but when asked, he just smiled and said that it was because it belonged to a friend.

On the day of the launch, both Xu Nanfeng and Yu Huiyin were seated together in the modern mansion belonging to Xie Jingyu.

They looked at one another and were full of excitement. Xu Nanfeng had a laptop with him and was working on the launch while Yu Huiyin was just seated opposite him smiling.

Originally they had planned to meet in town, but for some reason, Xie Jingyu had told them to meet at home. This was the first time that Yu Huiyin had brought someone home with her.

This was also the first step towards her revenge.

"Okay, it will go live in almost an hour," Xu Nanfeng finally said. It was a Friday, and Yu Huiyin had the day off from working at the Xie Corporation so that she could focus on the game launch.

During this hour, Xu Nanfeng was no longer able to do anything. He had already distributed the game to the various sources for download, and could do nothing but wait. Yu Huiyin thus decided that they should have something to eat.

"Let us go to this new seafood restaurant I found on the main road," Xu Nanfeng grinned, not at all against the idea of going out to eat.

As they left the mansion, Yu Huiyin waved at the bodyguard who wished to follow her. Usually, if she went out, she would need a bodyguard unless Xie Jingyu escorted her.

However, thinking that Xu Nanfeng escorted her, she did not feel a need to have a bodyguard with her, and she smiled slightly as they made it to a car.

Although Yu Huiyin had a driver's license, it was Xu Nanfeng who drove the car for them, and as he started the car, both of them began discussing the upcoming work that needed to be done on the game.

The game had been tested and been in beta trial for some time. All the faults found had been ironed out, and now the real trial came when seeing so many people playing it together.

The game was free to play, but it had microtransactions, and the things one could buy would make it easier to advance in the game.

"So, what do you plan on doing after we have finished this game?" Yu Huiyin finally asked as she leaned back in the seat, looking at Xu Nanfeng curiously. Although they had started a company, she did not know if he wanted to create other games, or if this game would be the only game for their company.

Glancing at Yu Huiyin, and noticing that she was not pressuring him, but merely asking out of curiosity, he felt warm at heart. Yu Huiyin was a good friend, after all.

"I have made a game for a more mature audience. This one is a massively multiplayer online game, and while some younger players can play it, I guess the majority is in the early twenties.

"Because of this, I do not need to make another game for this age group right now. Instead, I will focus on making games for children. They are a goldmine as well.

"I plan on making a world, where you can access a small fraction for free, and buy parts of the world in packs. There will be clothes to change the characters, options to customize the characters, things, and items that they can move around. In general, it will be like playing with dolls but on the phone.

"I know a few games which do this already, and they are really successful, but I have a twist on it that will make us stand out.

"Of course, I plan on using the company we have already created, so boss, you better continue throwing some funds to me."

Yu Huiyin smiled, and she nodded her head. "I believe in you, so when I get my next salary, I can throw you another injection of funds to the company. As long as you can focus on game development, I am sure that we will earn a lot in the future."

"Don't worry," Xu Nanfeng was smug as he looked at the road in front of him. "The microtransactions are an addictive way of playing a game. When you have bought it once, it is so easy to buy it again. And again, until you have purchased it so many times that you have everything you could want.

"This is also why I chose Microtransactions as the way of earning money in this game. It might seem like small amounts, but it will add up real quick. Anyway, we are here; let us eat first and then go back to see how many have fallen into the pay scheme from the very beginning."

Yu Huiyin did not know much about games. She did not even have a phone before getting one from Xie Jingyu, and thus she had never played games before.

If not for the fact that Xu Nanfeng had explained what microtransactions were to her, then she would not even know what he was talking about.