The begining

location :Tokyo, japan

a man with pure white hair and deep red eyes can be seen walking through a busy street, while some people would turn back to look at him ,and some would take pictures ,he could not be bothered about it.

The man continued to walk into an alleyway where he was suddenly enveloped on all sides by men dressed in military style clothes but strangely did not have any weapon.

a man who was dressed as a general stepped forward and said the the man

"alpha- 2184 , you are surrounded , come back to gungnir with us or we will be forced to take action" said the general to the man who showed an amused smile and started to talk,

"Well , who would have thought that gungnir would send their top dogs after me , but it does not matter , you all will die today anyway" said the man

suddenly the people surrounding him started showing powers straight out of fiction , some of them were throwing fire balls which measured unto 2000 kelvin , while some started to try and freeze him with a temperature of -273.5 degrees also known as absolute zero , some of them tried to control him through telekinesis and some tried to bend space around him, some started using their power to increase gravity upto a 1000 times on his body,

while all of this was going on the man remained standing without being effected at all , every time any attack would come in touch with him, it would directly disappear from existence,

after some time they stopped attacking and stared as the man nonchalantly took of his headphones and turned towards them.

"MY TURN!!!!!!!!" said the man then suddenly all kinds of powers suddenly appeared around him, those who attacked him with fireballs got hit by the absolute zero , those who hit him with the cold received the strength of the sun , those who attacked with gravity could be seen floating away into outer space and those who tried touse the space were in turn attacked with time where they aged a century in a minute. after the slaughter had stopped only the general was left standing with bith of his hands cut off.

" go back to gungnir and tell those politicians in the board that i am your dog no longer , now i shall do whatever i want and there is nothing you can do to me" said the man and left but then suddenly stopped to turn around and said a single line to the general.

"also , i refused to be identified by the name tag you people give me when you experimented in me ,

from today my name is Ryan Kane" said the now named Ryan.


Location: New York,USA

right now we could see a young man no more than 20 years of age standing on the top of the empire state building.

"Man , these bastards are so weak, i wish there was someone to challenge me" said the man to no one.

If the said espers were to hear what he said then they would die of anger . The espers that he so easily dispatched were all high level espers, every single one of them was capable of destroying an entire continent by themselves, Ryan himself was considered the piancle of humanity , he had the power to negate anything supernatural just like in a manga he had one read when he was still in the lab, however unlike the mc in the manga he could perfectly control his power and his power was also much more potent , he did not need to have a physical contact to use its power , he also had the power to use any other esper power he had once seen in his life, the down side was that he could only copy the powers which had actually come in contact with his body.

while he was musing to himself , he suddenly sensed a spacial distortion below his feet, if he wanted to he could stop himself from falling into that hole in space time but where would be the fun in that, so he let himself fall in .after some time of falling he came out of the portal and found out that he was in a diferent world. he immediately recognized that it was a different world because of the dense amount of psionic energy in the atmosphere , he saw that the distortions in space were being caused by on old man who was fighting a middle aged man while moving at high speeds , Ryan decided to head towards the old man to see what was going on, after coming to a decision he was enveloped in a faint blue light and flew towards the old man at supersonic speeds.


in the meanwhile the old man known as xia hong the space god was fighting against a man known as qin bai who was known as the sun devil because of his mastery over fire which could rival the sun,

"Hand over your grand daughter to me old man, and i might consider letting you live!!" said qin bai towards a now enraged xia hong

"I will never allow a bastard like you to touch my granddaughter " said the old man towards a laughing devil

"Don't be stupid old man you may be at the peak of he celestial level but don't forget that i am also at the peak of true demon level, after i kill you , i will take my time to enjoy the true yin body" said the man with lust in his eyes.

suddenly they sensed a powerful presence on the battlefield heading towards them at extreme speeds , they turned to look at the new comer who was revealed to be a handsome young man with snow white hair and blood red eyes, just by looking at him caused them to feel extreme pressure.

" Who are you!!!!!!" demanded qin bai towards Ryan who stared at him and said

"Sorry but i am lost here , could you help me direct to a nearby city??" asked Ryan toward the now enraged man.

"You interfered with our fight for such stupid reason DIE!!!!!!!!!" yelled qin bai and attacked Ryan with his blue fire which had a temperature equal to the sun at 5700 kelvin, but when it came near Ryan it suddenly dissipated into nothing.

"What was tha-" before he could speak further he was instantly incinerated by a black fire which had a temperature of 15000 kelvin which was almost three times the temperature of the sun.

"Seriously, just because i am being polite does not mean i am weak" he then turned towards the now sweating xia hong and said.

"Well since the weakling is gone can you answer my question???"