the pitiful esper

Alex, that was a name that the spirit had long since forgotten, there was once a time when he was a human in a world called earth, in this world there existed people that would make cultivators at ceslestial realm look like little kids, these people were known as the espers, the man known as alexander or alex for short was one such man, he worked for an organization called gungnir which collected and employed espers for the sake of protecting their organization from an unknown threat,they also served as a force which made sure the existence of supernatural was not exposed ,he was an A rank esper , in terms of this cultivation world he would be in the immortal realm, he lead a very easy ans content life until HE came,

alpha-2184, an orphan without any name , the organization picked him up because of the unreal amount of psyonic energy coming from him even when his powers were dormant, as soon as he had awakened his powers thanks to a device known as the alpha particle reactor, the alpha particle is the name the scientist gave to psyonic energy, however the scientist was soon becoming too dangerous for the organization because of his experiments with pocket dimensions and artificial dragon, fortunately he was somewhere in the alpha centauri when the only SS rank esper in the world had escaped,

alex still remembered very clearly , he along with his fellow A rank and S rank espers were ordered to retriever the escaped alpha-2184, it was hell , they were defeated instantly by the SS rank esper as if they were nothing, alex himself remembered his body being obliterated by the space element while he attacked him with his time manipulation , it was only luck that his soul had somehow managed to reincarnate in this new world of cultivation,

he was an orphan in this world, thus he renamed himself as alex once again, he used his mastery over psyonic energy to surpass everyone and attain his true power once again, he was called as the time god chronos by the cultivators of this world and was considered unbeatable, but one day he had encountered a man he simply could not understand, this man spoke fluent Japanese, he had black hair and green eyes with a monkey tail, he asked alex fight him to which he agreed, but during the fight the man who introduced himself as ikki suddenly started power up and before he knew it , alex was once again atomized by a blue beam of energy, fortunately he had managed to strengthen his soul with psyonic energy , he entered a amulet he found lying on the ground and boud his soul to it,

soon many thousands of years passed as the amulet became a family hairloom until it landed in the hands of a orphan, alex sympathized with the kid and taught him many cultivation techniques he had seen in his time as the time god chronos, soon the sect in which the kid lived had been destroyed , the kid wandered for many years becoming a great expert but was in the end killed pitifully, alex used his limited supply of psyonic energy to exercise his esper power for the first time in many thousand years, he opened a hole in the time stream through which he made the amulet containing his soul along with the kid's soul travel to the past before his sect was destroyed, because of im exhausting his energy alex was forced into a hibernation, however he was soon awakened by a familiar enrgy signature he felt near the kid

what he saw when he woke up ,frightened him so much that he almost immediately used what little power he had to try and escape the monster standing in front of the kid,

it was none other than alph-2184 , or as he is called now ryan kane , he did not want to face this monster who could easily erase his soul from existence , he watched as the monster destroyed the kid's cultivation and permanently crippled him, he was helpless as the amulet flew into that man's hands,

suddenly a suction force pulled out alex's soul from the amulet, the monster then said,

"who would have thought that i would find you here on this planet, it has been a long while right alex??"

alex was almost tempted into destroying his own soul when he faced that vicious grin from the SS rank esper