Eye Of Daedalus

Hill nodded his head and said in a loud voice. "Okay, my lord!"

"You first try to open the chest by pressing the button on the left side of the chest. And only then, you can try to open the lid of the chest," replied Ryth.

Hill did just as Ryth said as he slowly opens the chest. A green light shone brightly inside the chest when it was opened. The three of them covered their eyes with their hands from the brightness. After some time, the light slowly disappears. Hill took a look inside of the chest and saw many valuable herbs inside. Hill told Ryth about what he saw, and Ryth instructed him to grab everything from inside and put it inside his bag.

Since they planned for this trip to be a one-day journey, they didn't bring many things inside with them. So Hill can easily put all of those herbs inside his bag.

"I'm done, my lord. Can I move now?" asked Hill.

"Don't move for now, just wait there." Replied Ryth. He turned towards Llyod and said. "You can open the chest now. Just do the same thing as I have instructed Hill earlier."

Llyod nodded, He then pressed the button on the left side of the chest and lifted open the lid. This time, dark blue light shone brightly from inside the chest. And they also had to cover their eyes from the brightness. Once the light have disappeared, llyod peeked inside the chest.

There were ebony ingots inside. This type of ingots are the rarest only second to special creatures related materials.

"My lord! There are 25 pieces of ebony ingots inside and 3 pieces of grand soul stones!" Llyod shouted.

"Okay, put all of it inside your bag! If it doesn't fit, just take all of it and place them outside the chest! I will figure out a way!" Ryth was feeling excited inside, but he tried to calm his mind as he heaved a long breath. With so many ebony ingots, he could make any equipments he wanted for their team.

"Okay, now the both of you just stay there for a moment! I will open the main star of today!" Ryth grinned and shouted.

He retrieved a pick lock from his bag and tried to pick the lock.

The room was so quiet when suddenly, there was a "clack!" sound, coming from Ryth's direction. Llyod and Hill turned to find Ryth had successfully pick the lock, where the sound of it can be heard throughout the secret room.

A golden light gushed out from the chest for a few moments; it was so bright, brighter compare to the two lights emitted from the previous chests.

After it had finally disappeared, Ryth peeked inside the chest, holding up the lid.

I'm really lucky this time! Ryth smiled with excitement. "From what I remembered, it was suppose to be only two items inside but there are 3 items instead!"

This chest is quite unique. Because in 'The Throne', aside from the dragon's tears potion, they will also get one type of random items or materials with a 45% chance to get the second item. As for the third item to appear inside this chest... it only has 5% chance!

If their luck was bad, they could have gotten only the potion. And if their luck was good, well, there is also the second item. As for also getting the third item... This is quite a miracle!

Ryth was very excited, he was speechless for a moment before Llyod shouted. "Is there something wrong, my lord?" Llyod's voice brought Ryth back to reality, he turned his head to Llyod. then he replied. "Ah, there is something that I need to check first. Please wait there for a bit longer." Llyod was somewhat confused but he nodded his head and said. "My bag is already full, there are still 5 ingots and the 3 grand soul stones. I already took it outside the chest!"

"Good job! Just wait for a moment!" replied Ryth.

Ryth took out the first item, it was the item for the secret quest, the dragon's tears potion. He opened his bag and put it inside. He turned back again towards the chest and retrieved the second item, and it was a special creatures materials! Ryth was so excited as he thought to himself. "There are two dragon bones here! With Ruddy's help, he may be able to create more strong weapons! Unfortunately there are only 2 dragon bones... I can only make 2 one-handed sword, 2 bows or 1 great sword with it." Ryth let out a long sigh and shook his head. He was already lucky enough, he shouldn't be more greedy. He laughed softly at himself.

Hill and Llyod were confused by their lord's behavior. "Is he alright?" Llyod asked Hill with concern. "Those items must be really good if it is able to make our Lord behave like that." Answered Hill with a smile.

Ryth hurriedly but carefully put the 2 dragon bones inside his bag and then he turned back to the chest to grab the third item.

A golden eye-shaped item was placed inside. Ryth carefully took it as he wanted to examine the item really carefully. As he hold the item in his hands, someone spoke in his mind.

"You are the first person who could make it here. I think you are worthy to use my power." Said the mysterious voice with the tone of authority.

Ryth frowned and then searched for the origin of the voice. He then looked around at his surroundings. But when he saw that Llyod and Hill were looking at him with somewhat confused expression on their faces, Ryth asked, "Do you guys heard that voice?!"

"Voice? What voice? If it was the weird voice not long ago, it was the sound of my belly..." Answered Llyod with a sheepish look on his face.

Hill slapped his forehead with his palm in exasperation. He said. "Be more serious, Llyod!" and then he turned towards Ryth. "We don't hear anything, my lord. What voice are you talking about?"

Just as Ryth wanted to replied Hill's answer. The voice sounded once more. "You have such interesting friends, ku ku ku!"

Ryth was so confused, he asked the mysterious voice. "Where are you? Why can't my teammates hear your voice?"

"Ku ku ku," The voice laughed softly as it continued, "I'm in your hand now, and yet you ask me where I am? As for the second question, it's because I talk directly to your mind, so nobody can hear my voice."

"In my hand?" Ryth realized that its the eye shaped item voice!

"You have just realized it, eh? Ku ku ku." The eye shake with laughter and continued, "it seems that we are fated as you are the first person who found me. OCoincidentally, you also have lost an eye. Looks like we are made for each other, ku ku ku!."

"WHAT?" Ryth shouted at the eye as he continued, "What are you talking about?!"

"You should have know that I'm an item that has a soul. I'm what everybody called the legendary item." Replied the eye.

Legendary item! Ryth was so shocked, he couldn't believe what he had just heard. He took a deep breath and asked. "What is your name?"

"Uhm, you might know me, since I'm famous long ago. My name is Daedalus. As for the name of this item, call it Eye Of Daedalus." Answered the eye.

Ryth couldn't help but face palmed. This guy is such a narcissistic thing! No famous person would simply call themselves famous! Ryth sighed and said. "Okay, How should I call you?"

"Daedalus is fine," The eye said in a proud tone. "What about you? What is your name, one-eyed handsome boy? Ah, and you don't need to let your voice out, you can just answer me in your mind. You see, your friends are worried seeing you talking to yourself. Ku ku ku!"

Ryth felt helpless as he said. "You should have told me earlier! My god, i can't stand you!"

Daedalus laughed and said. "Ku ku ku! Don't get angry boy. I'm just teasing you a bit because it's been so long since the last time I'm talking with someone." Daedalus paused and then asked. "You haven't answer my question yet, I already gave you my name boy, now it's your turn."

Ryth sighed and said. "I'm Ryth Myrad, you can call me Ryth."

"Okay, Ryth, nice to meet you. Ku ku ku! Alright, now you need to get out of here right? But you need to get the dungeon core first before you can leave this room." Daedalus paused and continued, "Equip me now boy, I will help you get the dungeon core."

Ryth then recall something about the 'Eye of Daedalus', a legendary item in 'The Throne'. It was said this item was so powerful. Ryth was surprised that in this world, He did not expected that the 'Eye of Daedalus' has a soul. Back then, getting the item was hard enough, even Ryth had problems trying to obtain it. Now that he think about it, he know the reason why. It was because he wasn't lucky enough when he opened this chest before. In the game,if an item hadn't appeared on the unique chest, appear on another unique chest. He was lucky now since he had finally obtained a legendary item.

"How can I fully trust you? What if you have ill intentions towards me??" Rythm asked as he put his hand on his chin.

If it's in the game, he would just equipped it the moment he discovered it. But right now, he couldn't do that since it has a soul, which in turn must have its own desires as well.

"You are a very cautious kind of a human, aren't you? I will just tell you what is the purpose of why I sealed my own soul inside this eye once I finished in making it." Daedalus sounded like he inhaled a mouth full of air and said. "When I made this eye, I was already old. But since I spent my whole life in craftmanship, I haven't see the other part of the world. Such as what is the feeling when you fight a monster? what is it like to have a journey? I want to know what I don't know. There are so many things that I don't know about this world" He paused for a second and continued, "I guarantee that I will be useful to you."

Ryth frowned and then said. "If I found a single thing that sounds and looks suspicious to me, I will take you out and bury you somewhere."

Daedalus was a bit shocked but then he laughed and said. "Ku ku ku! You really are an interesting fellow! I like young people, always full of energy!" He laughed again and then continued, "Okay, I will help you, and you will help me with my wish of seeing the other side of the world that I don't know yet. Just the thought of me going in a journey with someone like you already gives me excitement! Sure, we have a deal! From today onwards, we are partners."

Ryth lightly smiled and said. "I really mean it though, but okay, I will trust you for now."

At first, seeing Ryth talking to himself scares them. It was as if Ryth had been possessed. But now that he had become quiet all of the sudden, Llyod and Hill became worried and shouted, "My lord! Are you really okay?"

Ryth turned his head towards Llyod and Hill, Ryth turned towards the two and said that he was fine. He then started to remove the bandage that was covering his left eye. He inserted the eye of Daedalus inside and then said. "You better not disappoint me, Daedalus!"

"Ku ku ku, just you wait when you see what I'm capable of, you will feel that you are the luckiest man in history!" Replied Daedalus proudly.