How a spider ended up in Gotham 6

Over at the sanctum after the enhancements and repairs were done, Tony met Stephen and asked if they could speak in private .

"Yes, what is it Tony?" asked Dr. Strange. Tony took a deep breath, and said "In the future you saw, was Spider-Man involved?" "Yes "Dr. Strange replied then solemnly continued "Spider-Man also known as Peter Parker, I saw all his futures were tied to the infinity stones. For all that I saw in all the possible and alternate futures he is a hero with a kind heart and strong will, always putting others Infront of him." Tony's face shifted blank asking "How do you know his identity and how long have you known." Dr. Strange sighed answering "before I came to get you, when Bruce fell through the Sanctum and kept asking for you in relation to the Time Stone I went to Kamar-Taj to check on the stone but the Time Stone called to me showing me many possible futures and in all of them you, Loki, Peter, Vision , Wanda and I were big deciding factors for the future. Tony was speechless then mad" That is crucial information that you kept from us! how long were you going to keep it? Be in the dark from a threat with no chance to protect ourselves! Did you really think this was the best course of action, Stephen?!" "look Tony, I know you are mad that I kept this information from you and everyone but I am working on a delicate balance, the futures I have seen aren't just about the up coming fight, this fight is a nexus point that could end up destroying the universe. I have seen several millions of timelines where we won, but it wasn't the right way to win and the universe just fell apart due to lack of balance. Tony we are trading on a very thin string one reckless move on my part and we lose. We are very lucky that in this timeline Bruce arrived earlier, I think the Infinity Stones had a part in it. Sorry I am really sorry I know you like having all the information." With that. Dr. Strange paused looking at Tony waiting for a reply. Tony looked at Stephen's eyes knowing he was telling the truth, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he opened his eyes with new resolve and said "we are going to the compound and you are going to tell me every thing. After all two genius heads are better than one." Dr. Strange breathed out a sigh of relief" that's fine by me but why the compound." Because the compound has Friday who can help us make a time line and organize our ideas " Tony said looking very serious. Dr. Strange just raised an eyebrow in challenge and said "I know for a fact the you do not go anywhere without an interface to your Friday." Tony just raised both of his eyebrows and grinned before saying " may be I needed a portal back, I told Happy to go when he dropped me off and I don't think you have enough booze in this place, we are going to need it when we are done with this conversation. Well Dumbledore shall we." Dr. Strange let out a laugh and made a portal with the clock of levitation coming to rest on his shoulders.

Arriving at Tony's lab in the compound. Tony led Stephen to his private area's Living room and told Friday to put his area on lock down, not allowing anyone access before leading Stephen to the sofas. " I am going to pour us drinks then we can talk."

When left alone Dr. Strange let out a deep breath and thought of his journey through countless futures, Dr. Strange was enveloped by a profound sense of trepidation. The weight of what he had seen—a myriad of possibilities, each branching out into infinity, yet converging on a singular, harrowing outcome—pressed heavily upon him. His mind, once a fortress of stoic resolve, now trembled with the burden of knowledge. The paths laid before him were fraught with sacrifice and loss, a tapestry of heroism interwoven with the inescapable threads of sorrow. And in that solemn moment, he understood the true cost of the Time Stone's power: the foresight of destiny's inexorable march, and the solitude of bearing its secrets alone. Now Tony, a man who has sacrificed him self in multiple futures was asking to be told, Dr. Strange had half a mind to portal all the way to Kamar-Taj but he pushed his panic aside and waited.

Over in the bar area Tony took a deep breath and prayed he and Stephen could figure out a truly winning solution while he poured two glasses of scotch and put the bottle on the tray to bring with him.