Yellow Serpent realm

Yellow Serpent realm.

Today is a special day for the lord of Yellow serpent realm. His eldest son is going to marry a woman from a high-level domain which is going to increase their strength.

Inside the lord's castle, new guests from different realms were arriving and the lord of the realm himself was welcoming them.

"haha, Welcome Mr.Anton thank you so much for coming." Avril welcomed a man with orange hair who seemed to be in his 50's.

Anton is the patriarch of a sect in a high-level realm. He is at the stellar master stage. People respect Anton because of him being the next king of his realm.

"Thank you so much Mr.Anton, it's my absolute honor to have you here," Avril told Anton sincerely.

"By the way Mr.Anton where is your daughter I heard she is a monstrous genius and is no weaker than you." Asked Avril, he really wanted to see the girl who's name is currently on everyone's tongue even god-level realm experts wished to take her as their disciple.

"She will be here soon. Oh, there she comes." Anton pointed towards the gate.

A beautiful looking 18-19 years old woman entered the wedding hall. This woman has golden hair and eyes like twinkling stars. As soon as she entered the hall, everyone's attention turned towards her.


"Is she Lina Anton? She looks nothing like her ugly father."

"I Heard she is one of the top 5 fighters in high-level realms."

"She is only 18 right? That's some ancestor level talent right there."

"I would love to marry a woman like her."

"Hah, Shut up and serve food, you stupid waiter."


Lina ignored all the glares and whispers and went directly to her father. She smiled at him and spoke.

"Father I am here. Hello, Uncle Congratulations on your son's marriage."

"Young miss Lina It's my honor to have you and your father here in my son's marriage. My son is your fan; he will go crazy once he sees you."

"Don't worry uncle its nothing."

After finishing up the conversation, Avril came up to the stage.

"Hello and thank you so much for coming all the way here to attend my son's marriage. I hope all of you are having a good day. Let's not waste anymore of your precious time and welcome the bride and groom."

After Avril spoke a bride and groom entered the stage.


Everyone started clapping for the new couple.


Suddenly someone made an unexpected entry from the roof of the wedding hall. A person with red eyes and hair landed smoothly on the floor. Herselim looked up and spoke with a smile.

"Good Evening~."