Hello World

Ahoy World!

This is my first post on this weblog page. It's been difficult to do this without my teachers knowing. I'm supposed to be researching on a school project for the science fair next week but who needs researching about fruit batteries?

Instead, this is what I will be doing every week when they have compulsory e-learning sessions. I'm going to pretend to research but in truth, I will be updating this newly created blog. Yes, you read it right.


Unless I'm not in school and don't have access to the computer but you know what I mean.

First things first, I'm going to have to decide a theme for this blog. I know! Since I'm mostly bored to death from school and spend most of my time human watching, I shall update everyone about one interesting human I observed that week.

For now, this is goodbye.

Fair Winds!

Pirate S.