Delinquent Diaries (3)

Ahoy Sea Robbers!

Today I got added to the secret chat group for the Entrepreneur Circle Club. It's called $3.14 for obvious reasons. Just read it. $ for the entrepreneurs and 3.14 is the value of pi for circles in case you guys don't get the references.

In any case, I think I might have found the boy that Alex was telling me about over lunch. She described him as a scary looking upperclassman with a wild crew cut and multiple ear piercings. I finally found the 'scary' kid but really, he was the wimpiest and the skinniest. I bet she only thought he was scary because he was taller than her and had these mean-looking eyes. I mean he has these really typical Asian eyes that are narrow and sharp. They make him look like he's always glaring at something or someone.

I think it's a common thing in the animal kingdom for the strong to bully the weakest. It's to no surprise that Mr Scary here is the lowest in rank and the omega of this wolf pack. Often taken advantage of, slightly abused but never complaining. I do admire his attitude a little, he is always loyal despite not being treated the nicest.

The other boys would often throw their wallets at him and tell him to buy them lunch. Of course, they didn't make him do it for free so they pitch in and tell Mr Scary to get himself something using their money but Mr Scary's too nice to do that and pays out of his own pocket anyway. Not that I think the delinquents were very nice since it was probably lunch money they had some poor sap to fess up earlier that week or something... but let's not go into details, shall we?

Of all the boys in the class, Mr Scary was the only one who bothered to open the door for me and pull out my chair so that I could settle in it when Jasper wasn't around to help. He would also carry some of my materials or bag while I hobbled over and never lost his patience despite my slow speed. I think he's a very good boy with a kind heart. He'll make some girl really happy someday but I do worry if he'll always be taken advantage of his entire life. He does seem like a little bit of a pushover... actually, maybe a little bit more than a little bit but who's counting?

Long story short, I didn't think that there would be anything that could make Mr Scary flip out on anyone. Well, I thought wrong. It turns out, Mr Scary can actually be scary when someone pushes the correct buttons. If I wasn't there witnessing the sequence of events first hand, I might have brushed it off.

It starts off like this. Mr Scary was doing his homework and studying in the library. I was looking for a book I needed when I see three boys pass by Mr Scary. Apparently, they were classmates before Mr Scary decided to self-graduate and join the delinquent class. His official name is still on that class roster so I guess that makes them classmates.

Now everybody in Joyville International knows that the kids in the Entrepreneur Circle don't study. They're a bunch of misfits who banded together and were too rich to be kicked out so the school let them hide in a crappy classroom to rot their brain cells away. The teachers don't care and the students didn't want to look for trouble.

Here's the catch. How do you think mountain lions hunt their prey? Do they go for the group? Not really. They usually go for the weak ones because they don't really want to risk a kick in the face. Now, the delinquents are strong as a group but on their own... I'm not really sure. Especially for Mr Scary. However, I think that while the other delinquents look strong, Mr Scary here is our real mental MVP.

Those classmates decided to mock him for attempting to study and even found the courage to steal his notes and throw them all over the library floor. Mr Scary didn't react at first. Oh no he didn't. He merely stood up and picked them back up before sitting back down and got back to his studying.

The three classmates weren't happy at being ignored and decided to take it up a notch. Like the immature brats they were, they started name-calling. I can't say the names they came up with were creative but it was certainly targeted at Mr Scary. I was boiling with rage inside as I observed from behind the shelves. If I wasn't in a cast and an observer, I would probably have stepped in but I couldn't. I needed to know how Mr Scary would react. To my satisfaction, Mr Scary ignored them as he attempted another practice question.

Offended, the bullies (because they're no longer just innocent classmates) started to change their tactic. The name callings started becoming harsher and directed to the group he hangs out with. I saw with my very own eyes as Mr Scary tightened the grip on his pen and tensed up. I thought that this was the moment when he retaliated and yelled back at them but no. Nothing happened.

Nothing happened until one of the bullies said, "Who cares? Even if he passes, the rest of them in there are dumb as rocks. They're just gonna fail anyway. Let him try. He can feel smart for a while but it won't change a thing, especially their leader. I would feel so embarrassed to follow someone who couldn't even tell their left from their right."

Now, remember, the leader they speak ill about has a learning disability. At this point, I have no clue if Mr Scary knew about that disability but there was a swift movement, a scratch of the pen and a hole in the wood table. I thought I was dreaming when I saw the pen stabbing the wood just millimetres from where one of the bullies had his hands.

Of course, there was a big commotion. They screamed, yelled, cursed at him, and nearly peed in their pants before scurrying off like mice. I saw a true glare from Mr Scary for the very first time and it sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't go near him for the next twenty minutes with that glare... it was simply too terrifying. If looks could kill, those three idiots would have died.

So I was wrong. Mr Scary was no pushover. He might be a pushover when in the company of the gang but outside of it, he won't tolerate someone tarnishing the pride of his soul brothers. It's always the quiet ones who are dangerous.

Something also tells me that there is more than meet the eye as to how all sixteen of them banded together. I would most certainly have to know that story someday but for now, we learnt something very important.

Even the nicest people have limits and when they snap, you don't want to be there.

That's it from me folks, let me know some of the scariest people you know in your life and wait for my next journal entry!

Fair winds,

Pirate S.