Ahoy Foul Crew!
I see that there are about 600 of you crazy folks reading this. Well, it's nice to see that the ship is expanding but I won't be watching more people so that I can update my blog any more than once a week. I have a life outside of writing blogs and watching people, ok?
Today's star of the journal is Mr Kesha Fanboy. Yes, you're not dreaming or misreading here. It's Kesha the singer of Tick-Tock. The delinquent featuring in today's journal is a major fan-boy of Kesha and just wouldn't stop talking about it.
The DJ wanna-be often wears a headphone into class and doesn't really pay much attention to Casper's lessons. He isn't terrible at math but I think he could be better if he wanted to. Kesha Fanboy isn't a music major like one of the classmates we have in our special class. He's more of the radio and top charts kid who follows the trend. His taste in music? Modern pop culture like Shakira and Britney Spears.
I don't know what this kid thinks about his 'swag' fashion sense but he's following the trend of the 80s or 90s. He wears this big sunglasses and gaudy gold rings on his thumbs with the bulky gold chains around his neck. Kesha FB (Fanboy) also has two huge ear hoops made from platted gold. As he is quite a large boy, he swaggers into the room with this flat top cut and looks incredible out of proportion. I don't know how many people can treat Kesha FB seriously with that getup. However, I know why he does that. It's much like the thorns on roses, Kesha FB does it to deter people from getting close to him.
How did I know that it was all a deterrence? Well, for one, Kesha FB hardly takes his sunglasses off. The one time he did was because a stray basketball hit him on the side and knocked the accessory off. I almost burst out laughing at how small his eyes were. If anyone saw those tiny eyes, they would have mocked him and never have treated Kesha FB seriously. Thankfully, the teasing done in class was good-natured jabs at the boy's physical appearance. It wasn't enough to completely deflate the self-confidence that Kesha FB was originally lacking.
I also noticed briefly how Kesha FB makes a lot of noise more so than others. For example, if he was scared of getting hurt he would raise his voice and stand up to look bigger even though it really shouldn't be necessary. He was big enough as it was and one good smack from his palm could send me flying into the wall. Still, he was actually slightly afraid of the spider that one of the other boys caught and was yelling at them to throw it out.
The boys horsed around for a little more before they threw it into the garden but that was enough for me to know that Kesha FB was a little bit of a coward. Still, he fitted into the class quite nicely. The only time I see Kesha FB stand up for himself was when somebody disses his music taste. He literally picked up the scrawny classmate by their shirt and asked if they would like to repeat that again in the calmest voice I've ever known. Kesha FB may be a gentle giant but I would never want to try to push his limits here.
Some of the other things I found out about Kesha FB from his classmates is that he has a very healthy (or unhealthy depending on how you see it) relationship with food. Jerry once said that they held a pizza party in class one day and Kesha FB finished up three whole large pizzas by himself. They didn't have much to share after that because the boys only ordered eight large pizzas and most of them ate a lot as expected of growing teenagers. It's also an inside joke that Kesha FB is the only one married in their class. Apparently, Kesha FB's wife is food and I can't blame them for thinking so.
Other things I learnt about Kesha FB was how he usually dislikes conflict and try to play the peacemaker. Kesha FB has a naturally funny personality. Whenever he talks in that cool swag voice and say 'It's all chill man' the class breaks into peals of laughter no matter what. I don't quite get why but it was an inside joke. Kesha FB can sometimes sound like an Indian telephone operator and does his odd head bob when he says it so the boys often die laughing when he does it.
Outside class, Kesha FB may be huge and infamous with the company he hangs out with but he has never had enemies. I think it has something to do with his size and his easy-going attitude. The helpers at the canteen love Kesha FB so much because he is one of their biggest regular customers that they always give him leftovers. Kesha FB never complains about the food he gets and is always thankful. That joy on his face always makes the day better. It's not very difficult to like Kesha FB.
The pop music lover might be slower at acting on certain things but that might be because of his size. He usually completes what he has to do and meets to minimum requirement expected of him. Sometimes, it can be hard watching him do things because I'm a little impatient while Kesha FB is a very meticulous person who checks his spelling three times before attempting the next question. Often times, Kesha FB doesn't complete his mock test not because he doesn't know the answers, although that contributed to it, but because he was simply too slow and ran out of time for the last few questions. Truth be told, I never thought that the time given by examiners were too short. In fact, I feel like they're sometimes too long. Two hours for a Math paper is just way too much time to attempt forty-eight questions.
Casper worked on teaching Kesha FB how to manage his time and plan questions to attempt first in the mock test because we don't think Kesha FB has a big problem with Math at all. He's that kid that can score sixty if he puts his heart into it. He just doesn't usually secure the sixty marks because he'd be too slow to get the last fifteen questions done. He's usually gotten thirty or forty marks in his tests not because he doesn't know a lot of answers but because he couldn't get around to writing them down.
I don't know if anyone else faces the same problem of not being able to complete an examination paper or a test but I wrote this blog post in less than an hour. It certainly is more than anything they would require me to write in school... Maybe it's slower for some folks but I won't boast and claim to be fast.
With that, I hope to introduce the rest of the delinquents in class as quickly as I can. I have the content ready but bedtime creeps up on me way too quickly!
Anyhow, fair winds for now and don't catch a cold.
Pirate S.