Delinquent Diaries (11)

Ahoy Crew!

I did say the last time that I was going to introduce to you an amusing fellow, didn't I? Well, now you have it. Meet Popcorn Lover for the star of today's party.

Yes, you can probably already imagine the kind of things this boy likes. Popcorn Lover as a name isn't exactly too subtle but that's the whole idea here. The boy is as fun as his name here is. Of all the observation quests, I find observing this particular boy the most enjoyable to watch. He's simply such a delight and is a rather open book to anybody.

Popcorn lover is a Spaniard... somewhat. he has this dark hair and eyes and well as sun-kissed skin that screams cute. It doesn't help that he has sharp features that make him incredibly good-looking. The only thing I can think of that girls might find a little scary is how much hair he has. Popcorn lover has hair on his chin and face, on his arms and his legs. They aren't fine ones either, it's a full-blown thick curly layer of hair that covers them. It's not very common in Singapore to see boys or men with so much hair. Asian women and men tend to be less hairy in general.

The delinquent is average in his studies who only needed a little guidance to be able to get his passing grades. It's not hard to get along with the boy either because he's always very optimistic. If someone told him that he was wrong and tried to put him down, nothing would catch them by surprise more than Popcorn Lover's smile and his thanks. Popcorn Lover has this disarming smile and on top of that, his honest appreciation for criticism made him a force not to be trifled with.

I once asked why he would thank the mean people for insulting him and Popcorn Lover said the wisest thing I've ever heard.

"Criticism is information that will help you grow," he told me seriously and added with a smile that it was a quote by Hendrie Weisinger. The boy took that quote and applied it to his life. It's also the secret to his optimism. I couldn't help but be impressed.

Popcorn Lover has a dream. It isn't a very big dream but it's a very noteworthy one. When I talked to him more, I came to find out how simple-minded he was. The boy doesn't like conflict and just wants to see everyone be happy. His love for popcorn come from going to the cinema when he was younger. His mother, when she was alive, used to always get him a bag of popcorn before they watched a movie and he was very happy. However, Popcorn Lover has his fair share of unhappiness too.

His mother passed away from an accident when he was ten, so he had to cope with school and life with his father. Neither of them knew how to cook initially, the house was always a mess and both men didn't know how to deal with the loss of their kin. His father took to going overseas for work to numb the pain while Popcorn Lover took to hanging out with more interesting company.

Now that Casper came in to change his entire world of rot, Popcorn Lover saw some sort of hope. Perhaps, he told me, he could pick up the dream he left many years ago to open a popcorn store. He didn't want to own a popcorn station at the cinema because he claims that the people who buy popcorn at the cinemas do not truly love popcorn. He would drive a popcorn truck around the world selling his snack to spread the joy.

I kept an eye out on Popcorn Lover for a while and found that he enjoys the simpler things in life like cloud-watching and just doing nothing in particular. It's rare to see how someone could simply enjoy the moment without doing anything. If it were me, I would not be able to handle that kind of idle lifestyle.

Popcorn Lover is also a very good listener. His silent companionship makes you feel better naturally. Sometimes, silence can be golden and I think Popcorn Lover is the 'mother' of the rowdy gang. Nobody would try to offend Popcorn Lover intentionally and he naturally takes care of their well-being. It doesn't happen often but when Popcorn Lover thinks something has gone over the line, he would put his foot down and tell the boys in a very gentle tone that enough is enough. Surprisingly, nobody argues with him.

Popcorn Lover is always happy all the time. Almost nothing can get him down and if it does, he picks himself back up quickly. The boy is always seen helping someone in the class. It doesn't matter if he was helping them to study or just picking up somebody's pencil from the ground, he does it without expecting thanks.

Before this, I could never imagine seeing or knowing anyone as good-natured as him. It's amazing each time I see him spread the joy and kindness as he goes along with his day. Casper and I could use some of his positivity in our lives right now. Although we think we're doing a good job teaching this bunch of hooligans, we can't help but worry that somehow the boys will turn the tables against us and pull a one-eighty during the test. It surely isn't easy for Casper to be accepted in their ranks and their new leader. I'm doing what I can but the bond between these brothers are tight. I'm not sure if it's even possible to wedge Casper in it. They might respect him as a leader for his capabilities but I don't know if they will truly see him as a brother in arms.

Side story, I asked Popcorn Lover to bring some of his homemade popcorn and the boy brought a big bag of it to class just yesterday. It was a unanimous vote that he was a good popcorn chef and Junior appointed him in charge for popcorn on movie afternoons. Yes, they have movie afternoons. It's not something I knew about until yesterday. Casper even agreed that if everyone passed the test he will order some popcorn from Popcorn Lover and buy a movie that the class votes on so they could watch it together.

I don't know what Casper is getting himself into but all's well, ends well.

Rocking the waves, until next time!

Pirate S.

  1. Dr. Hendrie Weisinger is a celebrated, influential, world renowned psychologist, and a New York Times Bestselling author. - Huffpost, 2019.