Delinquent Diaries (14)

Ahoy Sailor Haters!

I did say that I will be introducing someone who was able to fight with Prince Charming for the title today, didn't I? I made a mistake.

Well, Let's call them Idol in today's entry because I really do not think that this person qualifies to be anything charming. It's not easy to like them for anything else apart from their looks. Even though I say this, there are many girls and boys alike who are smitten by his good looks. It's amazing how beauty can get you to places. Teachers also ignore his attitude because of his incredible beauty. 

I didn't know it before but Casper did some research on each of his students, so he told me some really interesting information. Idol is actually a very popular child actor who had been pulled out from his career. That means Idol is currently on hiatus because his manager, talent agency and parents decided that they had enough of his crappy attitude so they sent him to complete his education. Idol will resume his career in acting when he graduates in two years but knowing him, it wouldn't be easy to get him to attend regular classes.

In almost a similar way to Mr Delusional, Idol self-invited himself to the delinquent class. One day he just showed up early in the morning reading his book and Germaphobe was in his personal corner, not saying a thing. Junior didn't mind and for some reason, Idol became part of their class.

The first time the class accepted Idol as one of them was when the pretty boy threw his dictionary down the class window at someone who was harassing one of the weaker members of their class. Nobody really expected Idol to stand up for Joker but he did. What shocked the class more was the gap between Idol's looks and personality. It was an unspoken decision to give Idol the crown for the foulest mouth. It didn't help that Idol spoke at least four languages so he had quite the repertoire when it came to cussing at others.

Idol felt comfortable enough to join the boys in some of their activities after that when nobody chided him for his language. In fact, the young teen was quite flattered to know that Mr Delusional was interested to learn some vocabulary from him.

While it was common knowledge to everyone that Idol was a very pretty person, I don't think many people know the extent of his dedication to his physical appearance. Firstly, I noticed that Idol has a very strict diet and exercises regularly. In addition to this, I couldn't help but observe how he takes care of his face. Even during fights, Idol prefers to stay away from close combat. If he was caught up in one, he would automatically protect his face first. I guess that makes sense seeing how his face was his livelihood.

Now here comes one of the slightly shocking parts. Idol wears makeup to enhance his beauty. Although it isn't very obvious to most people, I noted how his lips were evenly coloured and even glossy on some days. Nobody has eyes without dark circles beneath them. Usually, as the day progresses, the dark circles become more prominent. In the morning you may not see them but when the late afternoon rolls by, most people have signs of them appearing. For Idol, it remains flawless throughout the day. That was how I suspected that Idol must have done something to ensure that he is always so good looking all the time.

Don't get me wrong, I think wearing makeup is fine. Although I am not a huge fan of putting things on my face, I can understand why people do it. Much like clothes, makeup is a weapon of some sort. Some people choose to polish their wits as their weapon while others feel more confident when they look good enough to intimidate. Clearly, Idol neglects neither. he's always dressed good enough to kill and has a tongue as sharp as a whip. Once he speaks, it doesn't take many words to land a K.O.

I would never want to be on the opposite side of that sharp tongue. It took me many days of stalking and watching before I finally saw evidence of it.

This happened when Mr Scary and Mr Delusional were having an argument about having a future after graduation. Mr Delusional claimed that it wasn't necessary to graduate to earn a living but Mr Scary begged to differ. I don't know why this broke out into a full-scale debate and it got to the point when boys were heated enough to yell at each other. I think Casper was in the toilet at this point when things escalated and I was trapped in the classroom, not knowing what to do. Nobody would listen to me and all I could do was pray that some teacher passing by would come in and stop them.

I don't know how Idol did it but he went up to the back of the class and kicked a table with one of his long legs, loud enough to momentarily stun the rowdy kids into silence. Then he turned and glared at them before speaking in a calm voice with nonchalance. 

"Those who have the beauty or the brains don't need to graduate to make a living. Graduation only makes it prettier for them and easier for them to experience success faster. Those who have neither can only depend on graduation to provide them with a certificate so they can trick their future employers into employing them. You should know which camp you belong in by seeing the number of confessions you receive and the scores returned to you."

After he dropped that bomb, Idol walked away. Nobody spoke and there was a silent wave of depression radiating from the class just as Casper entered. Lessons that day became very awkward with nobody daring to answer questions. The mood was just a downer because nobody could refute Idol's logic. The truth hurts and idol didn't attempt to cushion it at all.

In a way, I think that it is a good thing to have someone tell you the truth that you are either blind to or refuse to see. However, I feel like things could have been done in a nicer way especially for the more sensitive boys like Joker and Mr Scary.

If you were Idol, what would you have said? I don't exactly know what the right answer is or what the better answer is. You know the boys in the class and their personalities. What would you suggest?

Feeling troubled but finding a map,

Pirate S.