Coattail-Riding Brats

Next Tuesday rolled by way too quickly for anyone's liking. Danny could see that all three of his students were way too distracted and decided to cut his class short. He didn't give them any homework either seeing that the children would probably ignore it in favour of readying themselves for their first day on the job.

Alex was the first to put down her lunchbox at lunch. There was still half of a sandwich left but the Wilde princess was one eating. Anyone could tell that she was too nervous to eat anything. Scarlet wasn't faring much better on the inside but she forced herself to not waste any food. Tina had packed their lunches this morning with a little note of encouragement for all three of them.

Jasper was the only one with unaffected appetite. The growing boy eyed Alex's unfinished sandwich and swooped in like a pigeon waiting for scraps when Alex claimed that she was done. Neither of the girls could understand how Jasper remained so nonchalant. They were about to go into the workforce against adults. Anything could happen to them, why was Jasper so calm?

"Relax," Jasper kicked his legs back with a lazy smile. The girls were way too tense and clearly overthinking. In fact, Jasper had complete faith that Wilmer had their backs even if something went wrong. He wouldn't tell them to stay proud as coattail-riding brats if he didn't already have precautions and contingency plans for them. However, the aspiring entrepreneur just wasn't able to find out Wilmer's motive due to the lack of experience and information.

The work clothing that Claire prepared was tailor-made for them. Jenna commented that it was adorable because it resembled school uniforms but better. The company logo was printed on the sleeves and while the clothing was easy enough to move in, suitable for office boys and girls, it didn't give off a very cheap feeling. Alex liked it a lot because the long sleeve prevented her from feeling cold. Still, she brought a cardigan just in case.

All three children had long sleeves with the company logo embroidered near the shoulder on the right side. Jasper had dressed down slacks while Alex and Scarlet had long skirts. The young writer was thankful for the skirt. Although she would have preferred wearing pants, the cast made it difficult for her to change into them.

The driver was already waiting for them when they left the school gates. With the two girls feeling extremely nervous, they appeared very grim as if they were travelling to their execution ground.

Jasper's phone rang out loud in the car, causing Alex to jump. The gardener's son reached for it and answered quickly when he saw that the caller was none other than Mr Wilde.

"Are all of you sitting in the car now?"

Jasper put the phone on loudspeaker so that the girls can listen and talk too.

"Yes, daddy. We're in the car on our way right now and changed into the intern uniforms."

Mr Wilde smiled. Carol was out on an errand so there was a slight change of plans. "I'd need all of you to remain calm and listen to me. There has been a slight change of plans and Carol isn't able to meet you today. I know it will be challenging but you will need to ask your way around to look for the manager in charge of your intern training in the admin department. Look for a lady called Larissa Lawrence. Almost everyone would know her, just describe her as the lady with a big pearl necklace and red cotton candy hair."

Scarlet made a strange face at the description and Alex looked paler than before. Jasper didn't know if he should inform the CEO of his daughters' current conditions. he didn't think that the internship was a big deal but the girls certainly did. Not having Carol there was probably worse. Knowing that they had to take some time to find where the admin department was, they would most definitely be late.

"Is it possible to ask for a time extension for the first day? I'm afraid without a guide we might get lost and turn up late."

Wilmer hummed. That was true. With Scarlet's leg in a cast and needing time to find information, the children would be late. Larissa wasn't going to let that slide by either but Carol wasn't around to ring the admin department to inform them of the change.

"My apologies, my dears. I'm afraid you'll have to suffer a little. It's not appropriate for the CEO to ring the mere manager of the admin department to inform them about changes in the schedule for some interns with unknown background coming in for their first day. Carol is currently out of the office on an errand but I will text her to see if she can make arrangements. In the worst case, Larissa will just assign you some really shitty jobs and give you an earful but don't worry. If she does anything more than that Carol and I will step in. We have eyes and ears all over the place, don't be worried."

Hearing that just made Alex ill and Scarlet wasn't faring any better. After everything that they did, was it just going to go down the drain? Why couldn't they make a good first impression? Larissa Lawrence didn't sound like a very kind lady either but the young writer honestly hoped that she would be understanding enough once she sees the cast on her leg. Perhaps that should buy them their ticket out of an earful for being late.

Jasper frowned. As the CEO, Wilmer should have other people to contact. Surely Carol isn't the only one he could ask to get things done, right? There was definitely something amiss here. Even if Carol was on leave, there should be a person who could temporarily cover Carol's work in the office. In such a large organisation, there would surely be enough manpower for proxies.

For Wilmer to not do anything could only mean that it was a choice. Why was Wilmer so willing to see them start off with a bad foot? Who is Larissa Lawrence and why did she sound like a bitch? From the tone of the conversation earlier, Jasper already concluded that Mr Wilde didn't have a good impression of Larissa. Was that why they had to make enemies on the first day to establish political camps?

That wasn't right. If Larissa was an enemy, Wilmer would have kept them closer to him. Unless the CEO wanted them to do something that he couldn't. As the leader, Mr Wilde's hands were tied. Suddenly, Jasper understood the hidden intention. Although he wasn't sure of their objective, he was almost certain that Wilmer sent them to the admin department to find information.

After all, the admin department was where all the documentation had to flow to. It was the best place to collect evidence of wrongdoings and mistakes. The real question should be who they were catching.

Jasper kept an eye out on the girls while running through the possibilities in his head. Things weren't as straightforward as it seemed and already, the battle has begun.