Watching The Suspect

"So? How did they fare?" Orita yawned.

Wilmer grinned. "They played the game well. I have high hopes for Jasper. Carol was unsure at first but after seeing how they dealt with that shrew easily, she's not as stressed out."

The heiress smiled. It was one thing to hear it and another thing to see it for herself. How she wished she could just drop everything here and fly over to Singapore. She was missing out on so much of her children's progress! It hasn't been long but  Scarlet and Alex had already matured so much. What would happen in half a year?

"You didn't just throw them to the sharks, did you?" Mrs Wilde frowned.

Mr Wilde scoffed. Why did his wife always have a horrible opinion about him? He might not be nice to his enemies but these were their children she was referring to. He loved them to bits and didn't actually want them to know about this sordid world but it was Mrs Wilde's idea to expose them to the world at an early age to guard against the evil eyeing them.

"I knew who would be taking care of them and from my sources, they're actually making themselves home. Jasper knew exactly who to look for and what to find. In fact, according to Scarlet's blog, I think you should be able to figure out who the mastermind behind their plans was."

Orita smiled. Of course. Jenna never once failed to update her on their favourite writer's observational journal. It was interesting that they'd found out about Cody Collins and Larissa Lawrence's relationship. While it was an open secret, nobody really dared say it aloud. How the kids found out about such things made Orita curious. For such young children to know how to listen to news from the grapevine meant that the shady dealings in the company were getting from bad to worse.

"Please assign more bodyguards around," she told her husband. "I wouldn't put things behind those swines to employ underhand means. Alex has probably become a walking target and while I trust Jasper enough to keep her out of trouble, I don't trust them to try and use her as a bargaining chip now that they know we're making our move."

Wilmer sighed. He had the same concerns but they couldn't be too obvious about the security measures. The safest place for his children to be at was in school with Danny or at home with Claire. However, with the geniuses helping out in places that adults can't reach, Wilmer had confidence that they would be able to nab the thorn in his flesh red-handed.

"How is Benjamin holding up? We've been sending him a lot of documents lately that the kids passed Carol. Anything useful?"

Orita sighed. "Well, they found some strange things for sure but nothing that we can use against Collins and his backers. I don't think they'll be able to find anything by working as interns on the lowest level in the archives, darling. Perhaps we should change strategies?"

Wilmer hummed. It had been only a week and the children have done so much in just two afternoons. The CEO thought that his wife was too impatient. They spent two years trying to get something on Collins but turned out empty-handed. They should give the children at least two months to try before deciding that it was a failure.

After exchanging a few more words and sweet-nothings, the busy couple hung up the call. Wilmer looked at the notes Carol passed him. It was a copy of the original notes that their spy found in the kids' locker.

Wilmer was impressed. The organisational chart that was drawn was actually rather close to the official one that they had. Sure, they might be missing a few tiers but the general correlation of every department was clearly marked. However, there was something more to it that caught the CEO's eye. Each child had circled one department and scribbled notes on them.

Alex was keen in the design department while Jasper just wanted in on the financial things. Scarlet thought that the marketing department was interesting and as Wilmer studied their notes, he smiled. If the children didn't succeed in two months, he wouldn't risk it and will assign them to the various departments of their interest. He didn't want Larissa getting involved because things would get messy.

As it is, Wilmer's spy was slowly feeding important clues to the evidence they required into the messy stack of documents. It wasn't easy to obtain them but it would be too obvious to take them out of the company after getting his hands on it. Collins was being backed by really powerful people from the underworld that neither Orita or Wilmer had influence with. If they knew that their cash cow was slaughtered by the Wilde's, Wilmer didn't know if he had enough power to protect his family. Using the interns as an excuse would resolve that issue easily even if one of them was a Wilde. Nobody would expect children to be the cause of such downfall and if played well, there was a chance that Danny could step in to catch a glimpse of the mastermind.

Past year financial documents with accounting discrepancies and stock movement reports were thrown into the archive room. The new management order to have everything scanned into the system and moving towards a paperless work environment would give the children ample opportunities to be acquainted with insider information. Alex may not understand it but Scarlet would question and Jasper would know that something is wrong when they saw it. Wilmer sighed and almost pat out the cold coffee he tried to drink.

It was too bitter.

Likewise, he never thought that the fate of the Wilde Group would have to rely on such small shoulders. With the major shareholders making up thirty-eight percent with only his wife and his close friends making up the good forty-five percent of shares, there was still uncertainty that the major shareholders could buy over the smaller shares to overrule them. If it wasn't for Orita's father trying to sell the company when he was trying to win a divorce case with Orita's mother, none of these would have happened. Wilmer did his best over the last twenty years building back a paper company that was almost on the verge of bankruptcy to become the giant it was known as today. However, due to some mismanagement and inexperience, they were about to lose everything again.

Wilmer swiped his phone and checked the lock screen. The picture of his beautiful family in the main Wilde mansion greeted him. Although Scarlet wasn't in that picture, Wilmer knew that he should have Claire arrange for a photographer to retake and update their Wilde family picture.

Little did he know that Scarlet would be the saviour they were desperately needing.