Upgrading Brain Cells

Jasper continued teaching the topics he had to cover to the only six students seated at the front who could keep up with the normal pace of learning. The boys who already knew the topics at the back of their hand either left early, didn't show up in school or spent it minding their own business in a corner.

Alex and Scarlet were doing very well helping the slower students like Jinru, Khalid and Teddy. Although the pace was slow, Alex and Scarlet's continuous encouragement inspired them to persevere. 

Elfie looked at the three students who couldn't understand multiplication or fractions and wanted to cry. Dragon, Reggie and Mustafa were starting to lose interest after Elfie's fifth explanation.

"Why can't we just throw a die for the answer? My grandfather always does that before he buys the lottery," Dragon asked.

Elfie deadpanned. "How many times did your grandfather win the lottery using this method?"

Dragon grinned. "None!"