First Meeting

Jasper wasn't expecting the class to be noisy when they arrived the next morning. The unusual level of activity surprised him. Alex and Scarlet exchanged looks and grinned widely. The girls have been dying to meet the rest of their classmates ever since Elfie's appearance.

"What are you waiting for, Jasper? Let's go! I bet it's going to be a full attendance today," Alex gushed and Jasper shuddered. He wasn't mentally prepared to meet so many people.

The door opened and Elfie beamed. "Guys, meet our new classmates! They are the ones who initiated the project to help the class of misfits study. We should crash the tutoring session later. It's going to be fun!"

Scarlet counted the number of students in class silently and was thrilled to know that there was a full attendance. She couldn't identify some of them but it was possible to make an intelligent guess based on Dany's brief introduction about them on their first day.