Leaders' Meeting

The E.C. Class was rightfully excited after they had the principal's approval to have a joined learning session with the Special Class. Likewise, the Special Class couldn't contain their excitement. Danny supervised his students in the E.C. Class while they socialised. The four leaders decided to hold a meeting and stepped out of the room for a bit.

"Thank you for accepting my invitation," Jasper smiled. The girls didn't seem to mind. However, they were curious.

"Why so sneaky? We could have talked about it back there," Jean pointed out.

Scarlet smiled. If she guessed it correctly, Jasper wanted this to be a secret from the rest of the boys.

"I know that we've been divided into teams but for the sake of class bonding, I want to bring up some suggestions that we can do together as a class and not just a team," the boy admitted.